Archive for 2021

June on the farm (2021)

Friday, June 25th, 2021

Modern hay making, with the hay being stored in plastic parcels as “haylage”.

Richard Fonge writes:

The wonder of nature. We have had one of the coldest and latest of springs, but following heavy rain, and a warm and sunny start to June all the crops have caught up in their growth and look promising for a good harvest. Nature soon takes back after being disturbed, a great example being the Moreton Road verges. Full once again of its natural grasses and wild flowers. The old railway line is another example of natural regeneration. At present there is a countrywide campaign to plant wildflowers where possible, and it should be encouraged, but in our own parish we have two fields of some twenty five acres planted as wild flower meadows many years ago and walked through on your way to Barrow Hill. Besides these fields we have within the parish other small areas not always adjacent to footpaths where wild bird mixtures have been sown as part of countryside stewardship schemes. Farmers take great pride in the stock and crops they rear and produce to feed us, but also in managing their land in sympathy with nature.

We have had much woodland planted over the past forty years on the farms and within the village. These woods and railway embankments are home to many species of wildlife and also provide a habitat along with he bird seed margins for pheasant shooting.

Late May early June is shearing time for the sheep, but this year it is later simply because the shearing gangs from New Zealand have not come over in their usual numbers, because of Covid restrictions and therefore a shortage of shearers. It needs to be warm to shear. When the lanolin has risen the wool falls off much easier. On the Stuchbury footpath you may have noticed a ewe with no fleece. Her wool has fallen off. This has been caused I suspect by a course of antibiotics at lambing time. Wool has among its many uses great insulating properties. A natural product sadly underused. A sheep farmer friend tried to sell fleeces to undertakers to line coffins, but with only limited success. The problem being he didn’t get any customer feedback!

Haymaking in Sulgrave in the 1920s (Bill Branson)

June was always hay making month, but nowadays silage is more likely to be made, or haylage where the grass is wrapped in plastic and preserved that way. To make hay is more labour intensive and at the mercy of the weather. Over the next weeks please look out for and take note of the grass mowing, the rapid growth of the maize at Stuchbury, and the flowering of the linseed at the top of Barrow Hill and at the Magpie junction. A wonderful blue flower.

Richard Fonge

Seven Sulgrave Gardens open for Charity, June 20th 2021

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

Seven Sulgrave gardens were open to the public on Sunday June 20th 2021 under the National Gardens Scheme. After months of pandemic misery and a depressing winter, a hint early summer sunshine had suggested a warm, bright, sunny day for the bi-annual gardens open day. It wasn’t to be. The day was cold, without a hint of sunshine and many of the gardeners’ carefully tended blooms had been beaten down by savage rainfall. It was colder on the Summer Solstice, June 21st than it had been on the Winter Solstice, December 21st! Nevertheless, considerable numbers of visitors, many sensibly clad for winter, were cheered by the displays so lovingly prepared during the dull days of lockdown.  Tea and cakes also helped, with one visitor asking for a mug of cocoa upon which to warm his hands!

Photographs of all the gardens on the next page (Click on “Read the rest of this entry.”)


Pop Up Picnic on Castle Green. Sunday 11th July.

Sunday, June 20th, 2021

Seven Sulgrave gardens will be open in the National Gardens Scheme on Sunday 20th June from 2.00 pm until 6.00 pm.

Thursday, June 17th, 2021

The seven gardens are:

Church Cottage, Hangland, Mill Hollow Barn, Rectory Farm, Threeways, The Watermill and Wootton House.

All of these gardens can be seen for a single entrance fee of £6 per adult, children free, with proceeds to worthy charities.

Refreshments will be available at Rectory Farm.

Map courtesy Digby Lewis. Click here for a pdf version of this map to print before you come to the village.


Photo galleries of previous Sulgrave Gardens Open Days

Sulgrave Gardens Open Day 2019

Sulgrave Gardens Open Day 2017

Sulgrave Gardens Open Day 2015

Sulgrave Gardens Open Day 2013

Sulgrave Gardens Open Day 2011

Sulgrave Gardens Open Day in 2009.

Photo galleries are also available for the following gardens which took part in the scheme in 2007:

Church Cottage, Church Street (Hywel and Ingram Lloyd)
Ferns, Helmdon Road (George and Julie Metcalfe)
Mill Hollow Barn (David Thompson)
The Old Stocks (Mr and Mrs Robin Prior)
Sulgrave Manor Herb Garden (The Herb Society as Sulgrave Manor)
The Old Farmhouse (Peter and Moo Mordaunt) 
Threeways (Dr and Mrs D Lewis)
Greenfields (Mrs S Harding)

Summary of Sulgrave Parish Council Meeting held in Marston-St-Lawrence Village Hall on Thursday 10th June 2021

Monday, June 14th, 2021

Parish Council Chairman Richard Fonge writes:

HS 2. (High Speed Rail). The chair Cllr Richard Fonge said there was nothing new to report. He thanked Colin Wootton on his excellent article and map for the newsletter.

Church Hall Improvements.  Work due to start on the 15th of June. The Chair wished it to be recorded that thanks are due to all those involved in getting the project to this point.

Sulgrave Manor . Cllr Priestman reported opening day the 4th of July of grounds and of Websters tea rooms. He asked for the support of all for this new venture.

Proposed Library in the Church. Three bookcases had been bought flat packed and assembled. Casters to be put on, with the opening dependent on the Covid situation, but hopefully next month.

Village Flagpole. No response as yet from Helmdon. Clerk to follow up.

Pop up Picnic. Castle Green on Sunday 11th July. Agreed that it was best to keep it simple. A social occasion for all. Please bring your own chairs blankets etc. Picnics from Websters or provide your own. Bar to be run by Nikki and Steve. Caryll Billingham from the new Brackley medical centre had accepted our invitation to come, and would say a few words . Agreed that two facilities would be made available for donations to their charitable trust. Cllr Fonge said there would be a special moment during the afternoon.

Cllr Higginson reported that the Sulgrave sign was in very poor condition on Magpie Rd.
Agreed to replace. Cllr Powell offered to strim the grass round the sign. He also reported that the storm drains are maintained every six months.

From the floor,  Graham Roberts commented on the proposed Drovers Solar farm. Does not come into our parish, but Council agreed with his suggestion that there should be screening from Peters bridge on the Helmdon Road, and we should apply for any grant money available for the Church hall as we are being consulted by the Solar Farm company. Clerk to follow up.

Next meeting Thursday July 1st. 7.45pm. Marston st Lawrence village hall.

Richard Fonge

Sulgrave Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 10th June at 7.45 pm will be held in MARSTON-ST-LAWRENCE VILLAGE HALL

Thursday, June 10th, 2021

The Church Hall is not available for meetings at the present time and so the Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 10th June will be held in Marston-St-Lawrence Village Hall at 7.45 pm. Click here to see the agenda.

Village Shop Newsletter for June 2021

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

May on the Farm (2021)

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Richard Fonge writes,

The adage of “Don’t cast a clout until May is out” is certainly true of this May. One of the wettest and coldest I can remember. The other farming saying is “A wet and windy May means plenty of grain and hay”. We shall see. The lambs grow a pace in all the fields around the Parish and on the Stuchbury footpath the sheep are now in the field nearest to the village and have been taken off the field above, which I suspect will now be cut for silage. Two grass fields but different grasses. Nearest the village is a permanent pasture, most like been there from time immemorial and made up of perennial, meadow, fescue, clover and other grasses such as cocksfoot. The top field was sown to grass two years ago, to a long term ley of perennial grasses, with I suspect some Timothy and Meadow fescue along with white clover, which is increasing each year with the tight sheep grazing. But what does the term ley mean? It is the word to explain the economic productive life of that seeding. So we have two, three, four long term leys etc. But whatever the length it still has to be managed, as do all crops. A similar long term ley was planted two fields across on the way back to the village.

Wheat is being grown above the electric fence, and on Barrow hill field linseed is just emerging.

In my farming career on more than one occasion I have been rung to say my cows were out, only to find they were someone else’s bullocks. So let me explain. The collective term for bovines is cattle. Cows are lactating females and therefore have an udder. A heifer is a female bovine until she gives birth, gives milk, and becomes a cow. The average age of the first calving is around 27 months. A male calf or bull calf, is castrated soon after birth and once relieved of this responsibility is known as a steer, stirk if you live in the north or as he gets older a bullock. The cattle in the fields in Sulgrave are all bullocks or steers. We have various beef bulls kept to breed with beef cows, and they are in general fairly placid but never to be trusted. The dairy cow producing the milk we require every day is bred by Artificial insemination, with North American genetics having a great influence over the past decades. Genetics have played a tremendous part in improving our livestock confirmation and performance and is a subject on its own. The inseminator was originally a Ministry of Agriculture employee back in the fifties. Arriving on the farm with his flask of semen straws, he was often greeted thus. “Here comes the bull in the bowler hat”

Richard Fonge

Villagers Walk for Charity

Friday, May 21st, 2021

On Friday 14th May a group of villagers took part in the “Walk for Plunkett Challenge”, helping to raise money to support community groups across the UK. Overall, £7500 was raised and the Sulgrave Volunteers played their part by walking with Plunkett Foundation CEO James Alcock from Westbury Community Shop to Sulgrave Village Shop.

The Plunkett Foundation helps rural communities in the UK to take control of issues affecting them through community ownership. The work includes supporting community owned shops nationwide. Assistance has been rendered to Sulgrave Village Shop – hence the choice of the Westbury to Sulgrave route as part of the overall challenge.

More photographs on the next page (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)


Sheep on Castle Hill

Thursday, May 20th, 2021

Now there will be sheep regularly grazing on Castle Hill through the summer period, we must ask all dog owners to ensure they keep their dogs on the lead when walking on this part of Castle Green. Do remember very often the sheep cannot be seen from the two entrance gates.

Thank you.

Martin Sirot-Smith, Chairman, Castle Green Management Committee