Archive 2014

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May Day Fun at Sulgrave Manor






Wings for Life World Run










Star Inn “Hook Norton Food Champions of the Year”






Dames’ Day at Sulgrave Manor







Sulgrave Village Fete at Sulgrave Manor







USA Independence Day at Sulgrave Manor









“Lights Out” commemorates outbreak of First World War









Further delay to Windfarm decision










Sulgrave Produce Show










Sulgrave’s First Car Show








Autumn Wedding at Sulgrave. Rupert and Phoenix Mason









Village Shop 10th Birthday








Grafton Team Chase





The Advent Calendar Windows




No. 1. High Barn, Manor Road.







No. 2. Wisteria Cottage, Helmdon Road.








No. 3. Nutcracker Cottage, Manor Road.








No. 4. Swallow Cottage, Manor Road.






No. 5, The Star Inn, Manor Road.







No. 6. The Old Post Office, Church Street.








No. 7. Forge Cottage, School Street









No. 8, Rectory Farm, Little Street










No. 9. Coomb Cottage, Helmdon Road.







No. 10. Claremount, Little Street.








No. 11. Stone House, Little Street.












No. 12. Oak Barn, Magpie Road, and carol singing around the village. 








No. 13. Harry’s Cottage, Manor Road.







No. 14. Greenfields, Magpie Road.







No. 15. Gabriel’s Cottage, Little Street.







No. 16. The Village Shop, Magpie Road.







No. 17. Bengairn, Manor Road.





No. 18. 12 Spinners Cottages, Magpie Road.






No. 19. The School House, School Street, and decorating the village with Christmas Wreaths.








No. 20. Eagle House, Helmdon Road.







No. 21. Church of St. James the Less and Christmas Carol Service.







No. 22. Southlands Cottage, Helmdon Road.








No. 23. Hill Farm House, Manor Road.







No. 24. Church Cottage, Church Street
























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