Some Images of Sulgrave 2005 – 2017.
Entrance to the village via Magpie Road
Madam’s Close in Spring
The ancient village stocks
Village walking group in Manor Road.
Church of St James the Less
Park Lane, formerly and more accurately known as Dark Lane
The village from the north
The Star Inn
The Village Community Shop and Post Office
Sulgrave Manor, in Tudor times the home of George Washington’s ancestors
Croquet on the Manor Lawn
The Herb Society’s National Herb Garden at Sulgrave Manor
Morris dancing in the courtyard of Sulgrave Manor
The American flag is ceremonially lowered at the end of a day celebrating USA Independence
The village from a footpath leading southwards
A peaceful minor road leading northwards from the village
Wisteria Cottage, Helmdon Road.
View eastwards from the village
Helmdon Road after December snowfall with Christmas decoration on telephone pole
Christmas decorations erected around the village every December
Carol singing around the village
Village fete in the gardens of The Old Farmhouse
Every second year, selected village gardens are open to the public, such as…..
….Mill Hollow Barn, the site of the former Mill Pond….
….and Sunnymead adjoining the Church of St James the Less
Garden visitors at Eagle House
Grafton Team Chase Event, held every autumn in the countryside to the north of the village
The traditional Sulgrave Mummers’ Play, performed on Castle Green
Annual ploughing competition in the fields on the edge of the village
The Star Inn has an “Aunt Sally” team, competing in this traditional Oxfordshire game with other local inns.
Autumn on Barrow HIll, on high ground to the north of the village
View down to the village from the footpath to Barrow Hill
View eastwards across the Northamptonshire countryside from Barrow Hill
Madam’s Close and the Thatched Cottages in Autumn
Each December evening, from the 1st up to Christmas Eve, an “Advent Calendar Window” is unveiled…..
…all are welcome, to admire the inspirations and ingenuity (and the mulled wine and mice pies!)
Mist among the trees to the east of the village….
….and sunset over the Church of St James the Less.