Sulgrave Gardens Open Day

Sweet Peas at Sunnymead

On Sunday 19th June seven Sulgrave gardens were open to the public in aid of charity, under the National Gardens Scheme. Nationally, this scheme raises more than £2.5 million each year for nursing, caring and gardening charities and more than £25 million has been donated in the last 15 years. The gardens open to visitors were: The Herb Society Garden at Sulgrave Manor,  Church Cottage, Mill Hollow Barn, Rectory Farm, Sunnymead, Threeways, The Watermill and last but not least, the Allotment Gardens at Towrise.

New for 2011, the gardens of Rectory Farm:















Also new for 2011, the Allotment Gardens in Towrise:












From the Allotment Garden vegetables to the plants of the Herb Society of Great Britain at Sulgrave Manor:












A pause for tea and home made cakes at Asby House:






On to the centre of the village for Threeways:








….and across School Street to Sunnymead:












Church Cottage:







Down Stockwell Lane to:













Nearby, open for the first time, are the Wildflower Meadows of the Watermill:






Corn Cockle


Yellow Rattle




….and finally to the Watermill itself:










See here for photographs of Sulgrave Gardens Open Day in 2009.

Photo galleries are also available for the following gardens which took part in the scheme in 2007:

Church Cottage, Church Street (Hywel and Ingram Lloyd)
Ferns, Helmdon Road (George and Julie Metcalfe)
Mill Hollow Barn (David Thompson)
The Old Stocks (Mr and Mrs Robin Prior)
Sulgrave Manor Herb Garden (The Herb Society as Sulgrave Manor)
The Old Farmhouse (Peter and Moo Mordaunt)
Threeways (Dr and Mrs D Lewis)
Greenfields (Mrs S Harding)

Read more about the National Gardens Scheme.






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