Village Newsletter


The monthly village newsletter is an independent publication, edited and compiled by Lisa Roberts. It is delivered free of charge to all houses in Sulgrave and Stuchbury by Kym and Tony Keatley, Susie Mason, Jean Bates, Rachel Hijstee, Jen Castle, Nikke Mulcahy and Claire and Jon Sadler. Costs are met by Sulgrave Parish Council. It is provided as a service to the community and those involved in its production cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors, or necessarily agree with the contents.

If you have information, articles or stories for the newsletter telephone Lisa on 01295 768598 or email [email protected] or post through letterbox at Asby House, Manor Road, Sulgrave, OX17 2RZ

As always, articles can always be left at the village shop.

Please could all contributors remember to provide a name and contact number with their articles.




One Response to “Village Newsletter”

  1. Hello Janet & Colin,
    Compliments on your Village Newsletter from afar, it sets a high standard. I have to admit I did’nt know where Sulgrave was! As an interested former editor of a local independent community newsletter near Ambleside, Cumbria, I look at any I can find on the web and thought I would pass on a comment, though recognise you know clearly what your are doing. As an independent publication, though paid for primarily by your parish council, how do you manage to publish criticisms of the PC which must arise?
    With many years of publishing an A4 12 page newsletter, mostly free & delivered, plus exposure on a now discontinued website, we found advertising easily paid for it, even at modest rates, and when it closed (after 22 years) distributed £4000 to local charities/voluntary organisations.
    You don’t have to reply to this, but I would be interested to know what you think. Regards, Douglas Worrall

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