Archive 2016

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 Sulgrave Embankment – A Victorian High Speed Route




 Ursula’s Birthday


 Murder Mystery at Sulgrave




 The Sound of Steam in the Sulgrave Landscape




 “A Publishing Adventure” – Talk by Chris Behan


 Church Organ Restoration Fund


 South Northants Local Plan Part 2A Options Consultation.




 May Day Celebrations at Sulgrave Manor




 A June Wedding in Sulgrave. Deborah Thomas and Orlando Gomes.


 Spring Farm Ridge Windfarm Appeal dismissed by the High Court.


 Sulgrave Manor Hosts the Village Fete.




 USA Independence Day at Sulgrave Manor.




 Helmdon Stuchbury and Greatworth Windfarm Action Group disbanded


 High Speed Rail. Ground Investigation Work near Thorpe Mandeville.




 Sulgrave Produce Show.


 Second Annual Car Show at Sulgrave Manor.


 Where have all the Sulgrave Butterflies Gone?


 Vintage Ploughing Match at Sulgrave.




 Harvest Fayre at Sulgrave Manor.


 Grafton Team Chase.




 Another Enjoyable Year for the Star Aunt Sally Team.


 British Legion Poppy Appeal



Advent Calendar Windows


 No.1. The Village Shop.


 No. 2. Hill Farmhouse, Manor Road.


 No. 3. Forge Cottage, School Street.


 No. 4. Christingle Children’s Service, Church of St James the Less.


 No. 5. Vinecroft, Manor Road.


 No. 6. Oak Barn, Magpie Road.


 No. 7. Belmont, Little Street.


 No. 8. The Star Inn, Manor Road.


 No. 9. Westfields, Park Lane.


 No. 10. Bell Cottage, Church Street.


 No. 11. Wootton House, Little Street.


 No. 12. Coomb Cottage, Helmdon Road.


 No. 13. The Old Bakehouse, Manor Road.


 No 14. Bengairn, Manor Road.


 No. 15. Swallow Cottage, Manor Road.


 No. 16. High Barn, Manor Road and Village Decorations.


 No. 17. The Old Vicarage, Magpie Road.


 No. 18. Carol Service, Church of St James the Less.


 No 19. Wisteria Cottage, Helmdon Road.


 No. 20. Jasmine Cottage, Little Street.


 No. 21. Rectory Farm, Little Street.


 No. 22. Queen’s House, School Street.


 No. 23. 12 Spinners Cottages, Magpie Road.


 No. 24. Chapel Stones, Little Street.




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