High Speed Rail (HS2). Further road closures during the construction of the “Greatworth Green Tunnel”.

February 8th, 2025

Greatworth Green Tunnel under construction. Photograph: Colin Wootton












Message from Richard Fonge, Chair of Sulgrave Parish Council

It is proposed to close the Banbury Road for two years from sometime this spring. This is to continue the green tunnel to join up with the viaduct on Banbury Lane. Banbury Lane is the lane from Thorpe Mandeville to Culworth which will be closed from time to time for the delivery of steel girders.

The Greatworth Tee Junction work was started last week on the B4525 (Welsh Lane). Latest information is that it will be completed by this Autumn. When completed traffic will turn right at the second roundabout on the new road and go over the tunnel to meet up with B4525.

With Banbury Road closed and traffic lights on B4525 for six months or so, we will have to allow extra time to get to Banbury.

Richard Fonge. Chair. Sulgrave Parish Council. 8th February 2025.

Click here to see an Ordnance Survey map showing the layout of local roads during the continuing construction of the Greatworth Green Tunnel.

The Sulgrave Club

February 1st, 2025

Information from “The Sulgrave Club” Committee

Village Shop Newsletter for February 2025

January 31st, 2025


January on the farm (2025)

January 14th, 2025

Horses in the Countryside. Sulgrave Team at the 2016 Grafton Team Chase
Photograph: Colin Wootton

Richard Fonge writes:

January started with a day of snow, followed by a week of hard frosts. Seasonal weather, with the frosts good for the environment and much healthier for us all.

There has been great change in the Agriculture industry since I left school in the early sixties, and as the industry modernised so did our villages alter in make up. The mechanisation of farming grew at a pace from the mid sixties, and this along with government grants to encourage food production resulted in land being drained for corn growing, hedge removal to make bigger fields to accommodate the larger implements, and modern buildings to store grain, house cattle etc. There was good reason for this as Governments at the time didn’t want the country to be reliant on imports, and were predicting food shortages in the future. This resulted in less people needed to work the land, plus as more industries came to our local towns, there were better opportunities to earn more income. Also the coming of hire purchase saw a surge in car ownership and therefore better mobility.

One profession that has changed in emphasis is the veterinary. Back then most farms had stock and the local vets would spend most of their working day out on the farms, with a small animal surgery at both ends of the day. As more and more milking herds, and stock farms in particular, dispersed so we saw the dominance of the small animals to the veterinary practice, in particular the growth of dog ownership in the last thirty years. Now many vets just treat small animals. The horse is the one animal that has for sometime been treated by a specialist equine vet. Horses are still very much part of the fabric of the countryside bringing employment and enjoyment to many.

I will share a true story concerning yours truly. On a very cold frosty January morning I saw one of my local vets called Carol out for a walk with her dog in a pair of shorts. Later that morning I went to the surgery to pick up some cattle medicine, and whilst waiting to be served, she came out of her consulting room, disturbing my concentration with “Hello Richard”, to which I replied as she disappeared down a corridor “Sorry Carol I didn’t recognise you with trousers on.” I then made a hasty exit with a lot of suppressed giggling from all in the waiting room.

Richard Fonge.

Successful Launch of the “Chronicles of Sulgrave”.

January 9th, 2025

Photograph: Colin Wootton

Saturday 14th December saw the launch, in the Village Hall, of the much awaited Reprint and Update of the Chronicles of Sulgrave. A fine, sunny morning brought out a goodly number of villagers to see Richard Fonge, as Chairman, receive the first copy on behalf of the Sulgrave Parish Council, from Martin Sirot-Smith, the Compiling Editor. (See above picture, Richard on the left and Martin on the right).

With coffee and light refreshments on hand the morning saw a stream of locals collecting their pre-ordered copies, purchasing or, indeed, ordering further copies. It created a very convivial atmosphere with with everyone relaxing and chatting.

The first edition is a virtual sell out. A second is planned, if the demand is forthcoming. So if you don’t want to miss out on what, all agreed, is a very fine production which will become a lasting legacy of Sulgrave’s history, get your order in now. A full price of £20.00 is still a bargain!

Forms will appear in the next newsletter or you can order direct from Richard Fonge via email at r.fonge@gmail .com

Martin Sirot-Smith


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Village Shop Newsletter for January 2025

January 3rd, 2025

Digby and Alison send a Happy New Year to one and all.

Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2024. No 24 on Christmas Eve, Tuesday 24th December. The Bus Shelter, Magpie Road.

December 26th, 2024

Photograph: Tony Keatley

Kym writes:

Window no 24.
Our last window for the year, The Bus Shelter. The weather was kind to us and Wow what a fantastic turn out thank you all so much. It made all our efforts for the month worth while. The port and sherry was supplied by the shop, thank you, I have to say the port went down better than the sherry! Going by the empty plates you enjoyed the food Jane and I prepared for you. I think the shelter itself went down very well. We had some lovely comments. I have to say a big thank you to my advent partners Jane and Lee. Thank you so much to my wonderful husband. Also our children who helped with the serving and the music.
We will let you know after Christmas how much we raised for our charity Dogs for good.
There is still our box in the shop till end of December for anyone who didn’t make it out to a window. Thank you again to all of you who did a window we did have some really lovely ones. Please try and get round to look at them. Thank you to all of you who came out over the month.

Colin Wootton writes: It seems to have passed without notice that this year’s Advent Calendar Windows event was the tenth anniversary of the first occasion when these colourful decorations and the attendant “unveiling” parties animated the village during December! As editor of the Sulgrave Village Website it has been my pleasure to attend and photograph almost every event during those ten years except for the last two or three when, as many of you know, family considerations have made this much more difficult. However, I have enjoyed continuing to feature all of the windows on the website and in doing so I have felt myself to be part of the village Christmas festivities. I would like to add my thanks to those expressed by Kym to all who have made these occasions possible and, indeed, to thank Kym and her helpers themselves. It goes without saying that none of the website entries would have been possible without the excellent photographs supplied to me by Tony Keatley and Graham Roberts.

May I wish everyone a Happy New Year!


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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2024. No 23 on Monday 23rd December. The Old Farm House, Manor Road

December 26th, 2024

Photograph: Tony Keatley

Kym writes: Window no 23 Very pretty window. You must get up close to take all in. Thank you Sarah , Andrew and family. Mulled wine and sausages very nice and warming.

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Carol Service at the Church of St James the Less, Sulgrave on Sunday 22nd December 2024

December 24th, 2024

Sulgrave Church Crib arranged for Christmas
Photograph: Colin Wootton

Kym writes: Sulgrave Advent Sunday Carol service
What a fantastic service, Thank you to Shrimp. The church was full and I mean full. A great scene of community spirit with readings from various villagers, and many of the children helping to assemble the nativity. Was lovely. Photos will be on the Sulgrave website in the next day or two.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2024. No 21 on Saturday 21st December. Northston, School Street.

December 23rd, 2024

Photograph: Tony Keatley

Kym writes: Window no 21, Wow what a great turn out such a lovely window. Mulled wine to warm us on a cold night. One little boy was in total awe with all the animals and to keep in with our theme some dogs too. Thank you so much Janet and Graham.
This afternoon is the carol service at the church. Tomorrow is at The Old Farm House, Manor Road. And then the final window The Bus Shelter.
look forward to seeing lots of you.

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