Message from Richard Fonge, Chair of Sulgrave Parish Council
It is proposed to close the Banbury Road for two years from sometime this spring. This is to continue the green tunnel to join up with the viaduct on Banbury Lane. Banbury Lane is the lane from Thorpe Mandeville to Culworth which will be closed from time to time for the delivery of steel girders.
The Greatworth Tee Junction work was started last week on the B4525 (Welsh Lane). Latest information is that it will be completed by this Autumn. When completed traffic will turn right at the second roundabout on the new road and go over the tunnel to meet up with B4525.
With Banbury Road closed and traffic lights on B4525 for six months or so, we will have to allow extra time to get to Banbury.
Richard Fonge. Chair. Sulgrave Parish Council. 8th February 2025.