Parish Council Chairman Richard Fonge writes:
HS 2. (High Speed Rail). The chair Cllr Richard Fonge said there was nothing new to report. He thanked Colin Wootton on his excellent article and map for the newsletter.
Church Hall Improvements. Work due to start on the 15th of June. The Chair wished it to be recorded that thanks are due to all those involved in getting the project to this point.
Sulgrave Manor . Cllr Priestman reported opening day the 4th of July of grounds and of Websters tea rooms. He asked for the support of all for this new venture.
Proposed Library in the Church. Three bookcases had been bought flat packed and assembled. Casters to be put on, with the opening dependent on the Covid situation, but hopefully next month.
Village Flagpole. No response as yet from Helmdon. Clerk to follow up.
Pop up Picnic. Castle Green on Sunday 11th July. Agreed that it was best to keep it simple. A social occasion for all. Please bring your own chairs blankets etc. Picnics from Websters or provide your own. Bar to be run by Nikki and Steve. Caryll Billingham from the new Brackley medical centre had accepted our invitation to come, and would say a few words . Agreed that two facilities would be made available for donations to their charitable trust. Cllr Fonge said there would be a special moment during the afternoon.
Cllr Higginson reported that the Sulgrave sign was in very poor condition on Magpie Rd.
Agreed to replace. Cllr Powell offered to strim the grass round the sign. He also reported that the storm drains are maintained every six months.
From the floor, Graham Roberts commented on the proposed Drovers Solar farm. Does not come into our parish, but Council agreed with his suggestion that there should be screening from Peters bridge on the Helmdon Road, and we should apply for any grant money available for the Church hall as we are being consulted by the Solar Farm company. Clerk to follow up.
Next meeting Thursday July 1st. 7.45pm. Marston st Lawrence village hall.
Richard Fonge