Village Events
These photos were taken at a handful of social and other events in the village during the past 100 years or so. Currently available information about each image is given underneath. Any further details would be gratefully received and the item updated. Please feel free to submit any similar photos which you may have. Click on any image to see a larger version and use your computer’s scroll bars to move around it.
Photo: Unknown.
An event in Madam’s Close next to the Manor (then a simple farmhouse), possibly croquet. 1890s?
Photo: S.W.A. Newton
1890s. Construction of Great Central Railway. Navvies on the embankment
near Manor Farm (locally known as “Lamby”)
Photo: S.W.A. Newton
1890s. Construction of Great Central Railway. Brick works near Great Ground Covert Wood.
Photo: Unknown.
Manning Wardle & Co. ‘K’ class 0-6-0 saddletank, TRAFALGAR, No. 911 of 1884.
Locomotive used in the construction of the Great Central Railway during the 1890s.
Bert Branson with pipe.
Photo: Unknown
Early 1900s. Meeting of Sulgrave Scouts (The Owls).
Photo: Unknown (Courtesy Sulgrave Manor).
1910s. First Sulgrave Manor Management Committee at the Manor to discuss the proposed
restorations. Left to Right: Rev Harding (the Vicar of Sulgrave), Shirley Benn M.P.,
Lord Bryce, John Stewart, Reginald Blomfield (the architect), Unknown, Mr Cave (the
last farming tenant of the Manor).
Photo: Unknown (Courtesy Sulgrave Manor)
21st June 1921. Official opening of Sulgrave Manor. Procession from the Church to the Manor,
led by former United States President Taft, passes the Old Bakehouse in Manor Road.
Photo: Unknown (Courtesy Sulgrave Manor).
21st June 1921. Official opening of Sulgrave Manor. Former United States President Taft
(on the right), accompanied by Ambassador Harvey, leaving the Manor House by
the restored south porch.
Photo: Unknown (Courtesy Sulgrave Manor)
21st June 1921. Official opening of Sulgrave Manor. Unveiling of the bust of
George Washington.
Additional photograph of this event supplied by Jim Oakley, showing the then Vicar of Sulgrave, Rev Pakenham-Walsh, second from the left.
Photo: Unknown
1928. Clearly the arrival in Manor Road of a delivery van was an exciting social event….
Photo: Unknown
…..for the 16-year old girls (here Minnie Branson) and a 7-year old boy in the street!
Photo: Unknown
On the left of the picture is Minnie Branson’s brother Len ostensibly reading the paper,
possibly sent out to keep an eye on things!
Photo: Unknown
Minnie’s sister Doris has joined in the fun and one of the boys is now required to pose with
the family cat as well as giving everyone apples!
Photo: Unknown (courtesy Roger Cherry).
Early 1930s. De Havilland 60X Moth aeroplane, crashed in a field near the Magpie, apparently clipping some tree tops after taking off from the big field near to the old windmill. Owned and
piloted by Edward Donner of Sulgrave House (formerly Bell House).
Cover of programme for the events held to
celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George 5th.
May 6th 1935.
King George 5th Silver Jubilee programme –
Committee and Officials
May 6th 1935.
King George 5th Silver Jubilee
Programme of Events, May 6th 1935.
Photo: Unknown (courtesy Gascoigne family).
1940. Town meets country. Betty Hunter, an evacuee from London
meets Bernard Gascoigne, son of the village blacksmith. She lived
in one of the small cottages which now make up Spencer House.
Wedding of Bill and Margaret Wootton, Sulgrave Church 1946. Read an account of Bill’s remarkable wartime experiences in the RAF.
Photo: Unknown
Old time dancing in the School, late 1940s or early 1950s. Sandy Munro centre of picture.
Photo: Unknown
British Grand Prix, Silverstone 1951. Wootton Brothers’ builder’s lorry used as a grandstand.
Photo: Unknown
The lorry and scaffolding were taken to Silverstone circuit the day before the big race.
Photo: Unknown
British Grand Prix, Silverstone probably 1952. An even
higher version of the Wootton Brothers’ grandstand!
Photo: Colin Wootton
Eric Constable with daughter Rita and son Ron at Silverstone in 1951
Photo: Colin Wootton
The arrival of two “au pair” girls from Italy at Bell House (now Sulgrave House) in about 1952 caused a stir amongst the local lads. Here they are at a village fete at the Vicarage with Ken Cherry.
Photo: Unknown
British Legion Christmas Party held at the School in 1952 or 1953.
Photo: Unknown
British Legion Christmas Party held at the School in 1952 or 1953.
Photo: Unknown
British Legion Christmas Party held at the School in 1952 or 1953. The children are entertained
by a real, proper Magician!
Photo: Unknown
British Legion Christmas Party held at the School in 1952 or 1953. The Magician performs
real magic.
In the early 1950s a funfair was an annual three or four day event on the village green. There were roundabouts, swing-boats, coconut shies, shooting booths and a helter-skelter. The two copper beeches which now dominate the green were still quite small 58 years ago and the various amusements were grouped around the stocks with the showpeople’s caravans and lorries behind. This was quite a major event in the village and it was not unknown for young men to use it as an excuse for a Saturday lunchtime drink or two more than was usual. The challenge thereafter was to keep pulling vigorously on the swingboat ropes to prevent the showman bringing the “boat” to rest with the long bar that rested on his shoulder!
Ann and Olivia Wootton pushed by their mother Margaret.
Olivia Wootton
L to R ? Broughton, Ann Wootton, Barbara Goodwin,
Olivia Wootton, Patricia Golby
Ann Wootton on the tricycle with Ronnie Wintersgill behind.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1961. First archaeological excavation on Castle Hill. View from the Church tower.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1961. First archaeological excavation on Castle Hill. Brian Davison,
Director of Excavations.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1961. First archaeological excavation on Castle Hill. Brian Davison, Director of Excavations,
brush in hand.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1961. First archaeological excavation on Castle Hill. Drawings made as
the work progresses.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1961. First archaeological excavation on Castle Hill. Willing volunteers.
Photo: Unknown.
1960s. Further archaeological excavations on Castle Hill.
Michael Constable (left) is a willing volunteer from the village,
assisting Director of Excavations Brian Davison (right).
Photo. Colin Wootton
1961. Setting up the stalls for a Village Fete at the Vicarage.
Photo. Colin Wootton
1961. Village Fete shooting stall at the Vicarage.
Photo. Colin Wootton
1961. Martin Wootton tries his hand at the shooting stall, Village Fete at the Vicarage.
Photo. Colin Wootton
1961. Left to right, Patricia Golby, Carol Munro and Dorothy Salisbury at the Village Fete,
Sulgrave Vicarage.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Bingo in the Church Hall in about 1961
Photo: Colin Wootton
Sisters Winifred Butcher and Annie Wootton (née Branson) at the Church Hall bingo.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Valerie Henn and Molly Wootton at the Church Hall bingo.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Sandy Munro acting as “caller” for the 1961 Church Hall bingo.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Early 1960s. Car Rally (Treasure Hunt). Vehicles assemble around the stocks.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Early 1960s. Car Rally (Treasure Hunt). Left to right: Reg Butcher, Harold Wootton and
Sandy Munro await the off.
Photo: Colin Wootton
The severe winter of 1963. Snowdrifts blocking the road between the village and Stuchbury.
Photo: Colin Wootton
The severe winter of 1963. Snow drift near the Magpie.
Photo: Unknown.
Severe winter of 1963. Snow diggers in Helmdon Road.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. A full gang is deployed on the road north of Helmdon.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Snow diggers along the road to Helmdon.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Snow diggers along the road to Helmdon.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Snow digging along the
road to Helmdon.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Snow digging along the road to Helmdon.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Snow digging along the road to Helmdon.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Tea break from snow digging along the road to Helmdon.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Inspection of the snow digging works along the road to Helmdon.
Sidney Wootton, time book in hand. As the local builder he was empowered to set men on and
keep a record of their hours. Northamptonshire County Council then paid out the sum of
3 shillings per hour (15 pence).
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Snow digging along the road to Helmdon.
Sidney Wootton discusses the progress of the works.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. The road to Helmdon remained frozen in this condition for almost six weeks.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Severe winter of 1963. Desperate animals came into gardens to make what they could
of the winter greens.
Photo: Sidney Wootton
1960s. United States Air Force contingent from Croughton arrives at the Village Fete,
held at the Vicarage.
Photo: Sidney Wootton
1960s. The United States Air Force contingent prepares for the flag raising ceremony at
the entrance to the Vicarage for the Village Fete.
Photo: Sidney Wootton
1960s. Village Fete at the Vicarage. Flags are raised at the entrance by the United States
Air Force contingent from Croughton.
Photo: Sidney Wootton
1960s. Sulgrave Village Fete at the Vicarage. Opening ceremony. Address by the commander
of the United States Air Force contingent from Croughton, listened to by the then Vicar of
Sulgrave, Dr Smart.
Photo: Sidney Wootton
1960s. Village Fete at the Vicarage. Fancy dress parade.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Early 1960s. Sulgrave Tennis Club annual dinner at The Thatched House Hotel.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Ian Preece and Silvia Dore (later Silvia Preece)
at the Tennis Club Dinner
Photo: Colin Wootton
Sulgrave Tennis Club Annual Dinner. Early 1960s. Thatched House Hotel.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Early 1960s Tennis Club Dinner. Ladies cup presented to
Anne Butcher by Mrs Magnay (the club used the court at
Sulgrave House by kind permission of Major and Mrs Magnay)
Photo: Colin Wootton
Early 1960s Tennis Club Annual Dinner at
The Thatched House.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1960s. Church fete at the Vicarage.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1960s. Church fete at the Vicarage.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Valerie Henn looks after the bottle stall. Church fete at
the Vicarage. 1960s.
Photo: Colin Wootton
More extensive archaeological excavations on Castle Hill in the early 1970s.
Photo: Colin Wootton
1970s. Archaeological excavations on Castle Hill. Sheila Davison and family.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s
Photo: Colin Wootton
Church Fete in Church Street during the early 1970s
Photo: Unknown (courtesy Carol Pirie).
c1974. Social event in the Church Hall.
Photo: Unknown (courtesy Carol Pirie).
c1974. Social event in the Church Hall.
Photo: Unknown (courtesy Carol Pirie).
c1974. Social event in the Church Hall.
Photo: Unknown (courtesy Henn family).
1975. Bill Henn plants a tree in the Village Pound to mark his long
service representing the village on the Brackley Rural District
Council and Chairman of the Parish Council.
Photo: Colin Wootton
The Village Pound as it appeared in February 1975, showing the tree planted by Bill Henn and the
rusty fence subsequently repaired.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Morris men dance outside Sulgrave Shop. 1975.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Morris men dance outside Sulgrave Shop. 1975.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Morris men dance outside Sulgrave Shop. 1975.
Cover of Programme of Events to celebrate the
Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 2nd.
June 7th 1977.
Programme of Events to celebrate the Silver Jubilee
of Queen Elizabeth 2nd. The Committee.
June 7th 1977.
The actual programme of events held to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of
Queen Elizabeth 2nd. June 7th 1977.
Silver Jubilee Celebrations. Note of thanks at the end of the Programme.
June 7th 1977.
Photo: To be ascertained
7th June 1977. The Queen’s Silver Jubilee. School Pageant on Castle Green.
Photo: Anthony Barrett
7th June 1977. The Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations on Castle Green.
Cricket match between men dressed as women and women dressed as men.
Photo: Anthony Barrett
7th June 1977. The Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations on Castle Green.
Cricket match between men dressed as women and women dressed as men.
Photo: Anthony Barrett
7th June 1977. The Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations on Castle Green.
Cricket match between men dressed as women and women dressed as men.
Photo: To be ascertained.
7th June 1977. The Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations on Castle Green.
Cricket match between men dressed as women and women dressed as men.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Spring 1978. Tree planting ceremony on Castle Green.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Spring 1978. Tree planting ceremony on Castle Green.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Spring 1978. Tree planting ceremony on Castle Green.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Spring 1978. Tree planting ceremony on Castle Green.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Spring 1978. Tree planting ceremony on Castle Green.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Spring 1978. Tree planting ceremony on Castle Green.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Spring 1978. Tree planting ceremony on Castle Green. Rachel Wootton and
Sophie Charlton concentrate on the dedication prayers.
Photo: Colin Wootton
Late 1970s. Parish Council site meeting to discuss planning application to convert the
Methodist Chapel into a dwelling.
Photo: To be ascertained.
Church Hall. A choir formed by the WI for the Palm Sunday service in March 1988
Photo: To be ascertained.
1994. Rodney Henn, then Chairman of the Parish Council, formally receives the first copies
of the newly completed village appraisal “Sulgrave – the Chronicles of a Country Parish”.
1994. Launch of the Village Appraisal. Peter Mackness in doorway. Eileen Roberts, left, and Dorothey Pett, right, in front of him.
1994. Launch of Village Appraisal. Joan Oakley, left, and Joyce Mather, right, sisters.
1994. Launch of Village Appraisal at Sulgrave Manor.
1999. Sulgrave Village Shop. Left to right: Gemma Trower, Mandy McAuliffe (shopkeeper), Pat Flynn, unknown and Joan Gascoigne.
Photo: To be ascertained.
‘M’ Series Bedford Fire Engine which served in the Coventry blitz and is now in the Fire Service
museum at Weedon Depot. Partly restored in Sulgrave in 1995 by Colin Timberlake (who married
Shirley Wootton from the village).
Photo: To be ascertained.
19th June 1999. Watched by Kenneth Tattersall,
Sidney Wootton (aged 87) plants a tree in the
Moreton Road to mark his many years service to the
village as a District and Parish Councillor.
Photo: To be ascertained.
19th June 1999. Villagers at the tree planting ceremony.
Cutting from local newspaper describing the tree planting ceremony on 19th June 1999.
Photo: To be ascertained.
The Sulgrave Millenium Photograph. Taken at Sulgrave Manor on Sunday 11th June 2000. On this photograph there are 230 people, four ponies, several dogs and at least one teddy bear. Click on this photograph to see a much bigger version. Use your computer’s scroll bars to move around this bigger version and you will find that each person is identified by a number. Under the picture at the left hand side of the screen is a list of the people identified by these numbers. (Thanks are due to George Metcalfe for a lot of hard work in identifying and listing everyone).
Photo: Colin Wootton
13th April 2004. The artefacts discovered on Castle Hill return to the village. On the right is
Brian Davison, archaeologist and director of excavations in the 1960s and 1970s.