Archive for 2019

Radio Northampton celebrates the Village Shop’s selection as a Regional Finalist in the Countryside Alliance Awards.

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Digby Lewis explains the Countryside Alliance Awards to Radio Northampton reporter Gill Brown

Having learned that the shop had been selected as one of the five regional finalists for the Countryside Alliance Awards (the “Rural Oscars”), Radio Northampton decided to celebrate that success by conducting a series of interviews on Monday 4th February. These were carried out by reporter Gill Brown and were broadcast live on the Annabel Amos breakfast show.

Photos and links to the interviews on the next page. (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)


Happy at Home Tea Room – A Great Success!

Sunday, January 27th, 2019

The youngest and eldest ladies enjoy each other’s company! Photo: Charlie Ford-Ziemelis

Charlie Ford-Ziemelis writes:

I am glad that there was an amazing turnout of 18 guests, it was just fab! There was a really good vibe in the room. Thank you to all who came, you really are heroes and cake lovers!

It is an amazing cause to raise awareness for the older generations and stamp out loneliness in our community.

Thank you.


See next page for photographs taken by Charlie to illustrate the event (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)


Over Sixties “Afternoon Tea with Friends”, Church Hall, 1 pm, Saturday 26th January

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

Charlie Ford-Ziemelis of Manor Road, Sulgrave, writes:

The Happy at Home Partnership is a Big Lottery Funded project helping to reduce the feelings of isolation in elderly residents across Daventry and South Northants Districts and Northampton and enable them to remain living independently in their own homes.

Volunteers are recruited to visit elderly residents in their own homes and take them information about access to services in their own area. The project also recruits volunteers for its social events which bring isolated elderly residents together, of which Afternoon Tea with Friends, is one.

My involvement in the Happy at Home partnership is part of my Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, as I believe the care of our elderly is very important and and we need to encourage our young people to take more of an active role and to support these types of schemes.

Please support this worthwhile cause.

Thank you,

Charlie Ford-Ziemelis

January on the Farm (2019)

Thursday, January 17th, 2019

Photograph by Colin Wootton from the early 1960s,  when villagers’ muscle power was needed in the fields (and steam powered trains still ran over the distant embankment!)

Richard Fonge writes:

January so far has been mild, with the winter crops around the village looking very forward, but there is plenty of time before spring for some proper winter weather of hard frosts and snow.

I mentioned last month the Food from our own resources White Paper of 1971. The sixties had seen great strides in the modernisation of Agriculture and the incentives laid down in this paper to produce healthy and plentiful food for the nation were taken up by the industry as a whole, so that within a dozen years or so we had milk lakes and grain mountains, which was to result in land being taken out of production and the introduction of environmental schemes. Milk yields from the dairy cow were improved by better understanding of nutrition and enhanced genetics with the importation of bull semen from North America. Crop yields improved dramatically by the scientists invention of the fungicide chemical in particular.

By applying this chemical twice during the growing season we were able to keep the leaf of the plant free of disease and therefore green allowing photosynthesis ( the action of sunlight on the green leaf) to take place more efficiently. We know this by keeping our roses free of disease how much better the blooms are for example. These and many other factors too numerous to mention in these brief notes, resulted in an Agriculture industry becoming more efficient in its use of land and labour, with farms becoming bigger and specialising more, which saw the demise of the smaller mixed farm.

These developments have made great changes in the make up of villages like Sulgrave. Forty years ago some 75% of our population were indigenous, with most families having a close connection to the land . Today that is nearer 5%. Although the make up of our community has changed so much, the sense of community is still as strong and vibrant. You could say we have gone from curing our own hams and growing our vegetables on the allotments, to croissants ,canapés and Chardonnay.

Richard Fonge

Schedule of Fish and Chips Van visits to Sulgrave in 2019.

Tuesday, January 15th, 2019

The Fish and Chips Van visits the village once a month, parking near to the Village Shop between 5.00 pm and 7.30 pm. The next visit will be on Saturday 19th January.

See here for a Schedule of proposed visits during 2019.

Grant Aid from HS2 Community and Environment Fund approved for Church Hall Improvements

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

Outside the Church Hall on Village Produce Show Day, September 2011


The CEF fund was created: “…… to add benefit over and above committed mitigation and statutory compensation to communities along the route that are demonstrably disrupted by the construction of Phase One of HS2 from London to West Midlands.”

Sulgrave village has gained a grant of £75,000 from this fund to improve our Village Church Hall. This is the maximum for this type of application; it is under a scheme for ameliorating the disruption that, as a village close to HS2, Sulgrave might suffer. The news arrived a few days ago and the village team of many people who worked hard to assemble the bid for this grant, attended a celebration lunch.

When the possible grants were announced, Ingram Lloyd organized a comprehensive team of Sulgrave residents, who, together with the officer from Peterborough Diocese, had skills to put together the bid for this money.

Read more about the team on the next page. (Click on “Read the rest of this entry).


Village Shop Newsletter for January 2019

Sunday, January 6th, 2019

Click here to read a bigger version.


Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

I would like to add my thanks to all those who helped with the village website throughout the year, not least those who made possible the wonderfully imaginative and colourful Advent Calendar Windows – brilliant photographic opportunities on 24 successive nights in December.

Easy access to each of the website items featuring the windows and other events during the year will be available in a front page feature “Archive 2018” in the near future.


Colin Wootton