Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 15 on Friday 15th December. Wisteria Cottage, Helmdon Road.

December 16th, 2023

Photograph by Tony Keatley

Kym writes: “Well what a really wonderful turnout tonight, lovely to see so many of you. Thank you all so much. Lovely window, thank you so much Shrimp, Ken and your lovely family. Sausage rolls and mince pies very nice and mulled wine too. Tomorrow night is at Forge Cottage, School Street. Thank you again for coming out and we look forward to seeing you there.”

Photographs by Tony Keatley and Graham Roberts.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 14 on Thursday 14th December. The Old Farm House, Manor Road.

December 15th, 2023

Kym writes: “First of all sorry if you’re bored with the updates.! Too bad you only have 10 to go.! BUT I know from feed back that some of you are loving them. No 14 Great turn out for Sarah and Andrew. Lovely window. Thank you so much for doing a window again. Your enthusiasm is wonderful, Sarah. The port was very warming along with the sausage rolls, sausages, mince pies & sweets. Thank you so much. Thank you for all of you who attended. I’m sure you will agree a good turnout. Thank you to your son and daughter for serving. Sorry I don’t know your names. All photos and write ups will be on the Sulgrave village website. Thank you for taking the time to read. Until tomorrow good night. P.s. no claim on the shopping list !!”

Photographs by Tony Keatley

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 13 on Wednesday 13th December. Mulberry Barn, off Little Street.

December 14th, 2023

Kym writes: “A fair turnout tonight, I do have to admit it was cold. Thank you to those of you who did brave it. Lovely window, well done mum for your painting, very good. Thank you to Rowena & Ollie for the really delicious pies – really good – and mulled wine. Sorry one of you is missing a shopping list. Not sure what Katharine House should do with it !!!! Maybe frame it. Ha ha. Tomorrow night is at The Old Farm House, Manor Road. Hope to see lots of you there. If you can please don’t forget to bring some pennies ( not shopping lists) Good night for now.”

Photographs by Tony Keatley.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No12 on 12th December. Northston, School Street.

December 13th, 2023

Kym writes: “Despite the rain we had a good turnout. No 12 – half way folks. Thank you very much Janet and Graham – what a lovely window – very pretty – loved the little house. Also for the lovely mulled wine, very nice. Lots of you also enjoyed the sausage rolls, mince pies and German biscuit. Thank you to all of you who joined us once again and those of you who have contributed to our charity pot. We look forward to hopefully another good turn out tomorrow at Mulberry Barn, off Little street, behind Fleet Farm. Please, please, donate if you can. Take a look down the back of that sofa. Every penny counts.”

Photographs by Tony Keatley.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No11 on Monday 11th December. The Old Stocks, Park Lane.

December 11th, 2023

Kym writes: “No 11 tonight. A BIG thank you to Hannah, Theodora, Edmund, Antonia and of course Ben. Very pretty window, mulled wine very nice, nibbles great and to think you were worried! 10/10 well done and a very warm welcome to the village. The children looked wonderful. Great turn out yet again. Thank you. The weather was kind to us all. Look forward to seeing you all at tomorrow’s which is at Northston, School street. All photos will be downloaded soon on the Sulgrave village website. All thanks to Tony and Colin.”

Photographs by Tony Keatley.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 10 on Sunday 10th December. The Old Forge, Church Street.

December 10th, 2023

Kym writes: “A very good turn out tonight. Thank you so much Brian and Paul for the beautiful window, mulled wine – very nice – oh and the sausage rolls and pizza. Thank you to all those that came out. Again not so cold. Tomorrow No 11 is at The Old Stocks. We look forward to seeing lots of you and more. Thank you.  P.S. Don’t forget all photos will be on the Sulgrave village website for you to view.” (

Photographs by Tony Keatley.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 9 on Saturday 9th December. Barton Cottage, Park Lane.

December 9th, 2023

Kym writes: “ WELL WELL what can I say…. thought I was entering winter wonderland. What an amazing display. The garden is just lovely and the window so different. Thank you so much Jane and Derek.  Jane – the Chicken and asparagus rolls – wow.! Thank you too for a great turn out on a very windy but dry evening. We hope to see you all and more tomorrow at The Old Forge, Church Street.  A few pennies in our pots would be most welcome.”

Photographs by Tony Keatley.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 8 on Friday 8th December. Wemyss Farm, Park Lane.

December 8th, 2023

Kym writes:  “Well, number 8: another great turn out. Thank you to all those that came out, at least it was a lot dryer than yesterday and dare I say it was a bit warmer. Thank you very much to Libby and Steve and Sue for helping. A beautiful window, such depth, lovely. Thank you. Tomorrow night is at Barton Cottage, Park Lane. we look forward to seeing some of you or all of you. The more the merrier. If you have any pennies Katharine House will be very grateful. They have already passed on their thanks.”

Photographs by Tony Keatley.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 7 on Thursday 7th December. Southland Cottage, Helmdon Road.

December 7th, 2023

Kym writes: “A very good turn out as it was so wet. Thank you to all those who braved the weather. Thank you Anne for a beautiful window and Shrimp for helping. Sausage rolls, mulled wine and the delightful ginger cake all went down very well. Tomorrow night is at Wemyss Farm. Hope to see lots of you there. bye for now”.

Photos by Tony Keatley.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 6 on Wednesday 6th December. Wykham House, Helmdon Road.

December 7th, 2023

Kym writes: “Well thank you so much Jane, Lee and Holly. A great turn out. Lovely window, good mulled wine and the mince pies were a delight. Thank you to everyone who braved the cold. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow night which is Southland Cottage, Helmdon Rd.

Photos of the window by Tony Keatley. Photos of the revellers by Tony and Jo Powell.

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