Three more photos by Graham:
Three more photos by Graham:
Two more photos by Graham:
See more photos by Graham of another window at Harry’s Cottage.
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Richard Fonge writes:
All very quiet in the countryside this month. The cattle have been housed for the winter from the Manor field and the Moreton Rd. Their ration now is silage, made from the fields on the left hand side as you go up the Moreton road last June and put into bags to ferment. This will be supplemented with a balanced feed in the form of a nut. These cattle or steers more accurately will be finished for prime beef by the winter’s end.
The ewes of different ownership in the pastures around the village, are all now pregnant, with lambing dates from February to April depending obviously when the rams were introduced.
Christmas brings back fond memories of Christmas Day on the farm, along with some difficult ones. Snow and hard frosts are not what you need, when there are cows to milk, cattle to feed before breakfast, and a family waiting excitedly to open their presents. Milk used to be put in ten gallon churns, to be transported to the local dairy, so when in the sixties they were replaced by a refrigerated vat and collected by tanker it made life easier with less lifting to be done, and then when the pressure washer came in and the milking parlour could be a washed down thoroughly and quicker, we thought this was the best thing since sliced bread!
But whatever the weather the Christmas dinner and the day was always very special in the farmhouse and being part of a large family those days will be always cherished.
A Happy Christmas to all.
Richard Fonge
Kym writes: Window no 8. This window highlights our chosen charity and the wonderful work these people do training helping dogs. Lovely. Thank you so much to Mel and Chris. Once again thank you to those of you who braved the weather.
We now have 4 nights of non gatherings, but do go alone and have a look. All windows listed in the Sulgrave News. Photos from last night and the rest of the week will be on the Sulgrave website. Thanks to Colin.
See more photographs on the next page.
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Kym writes: Window no 7. What a night to for an advent window. Thank you so much Ben, Hannah, Theodora, Edmund and Antonia who excelled once again. The window matched this year’s charity Dogs for Good. There was a magnificent bust of a dog with what looked to be a judge’s wig. The jurors were two sausage dogs, surrounded by Christmas decorations. Many thanks again to Ben, Hannah and children. A big thank you also to all of you who turned out on such a blustery night.
Tonight will be at The Chestnuts, Little Street. This will follow four non gathering windows. More details to follow.
More photographs by Tony Keatley on the next page.
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Kym writes: Advent window no 6 our first gathering for the week. Fortunately the rain held off and we were treated to a wonderful mulled wine with equally yummy nibbles to keep us warm.The window was a real treat featuring a snowman in 3D lights. lovely.Thank you very much Zoe and Richard and all of you who ventured out on this cold but dry night.
Tomorrow is at The Stocks, Park Lane. Hope to see lots of you there.
More photographs on the next page, together with a link to Zoe and Richard’s amazing advent evening in 2016 (real donkeys) and some notes about Wootton House.
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More photographs by Tony on the next page.
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