See the HS2 Page on this website for the latest information regarding the two viaducts.
Archive for 2020
HS2 (High Speed Rail) Update. Lower Thorpe and Edgcote Viaducts.
Wednesday, October 21st, 2020Sulgrave Village Shop Newsletter for October 2020
Sunday, October 11th, 2020Report on Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom Technology on Thursday 1st October 2020
Monday, October 5th, 2020Richard Fonge, Chairman, reports as follows:
Discussion on the Twenty/Plenty signs which were agreed at the September meeting. In general, a favourable response. The Chairman thought it would be better if Councillors were contacted first rather than through social media when questions are asked about decisions made by the Parish Council.
The Chairman thanked Councillor North and Dominic North for the re-painting of the Helmdon Road sign and Councillor Mike Powell for doing the Spinners Cottages sign.
Nothing to report on High Speed Rail (HS2)
Sulgrave Manor. Now closed for the winter.
The Pop Up Picnic was cancelled due to the latest Covid 19 rules. The concept had gone down well with the village, so it was hoped to re-arrange the picnic for next May, pandemic permitting.
It was agreed to place a planter over the rut on the verge by Stockwell Lane.
County Highways had agreed to repair the pavement in Helmdon Road, but what section and length was queried. Parish Clerk to follow up.
The Vehicle Activated speed sign is due to go up in mid-October, on Helmdon Road.
The Pocket Park Annual Safety Report was discussed. Very comprehensive, but no action needed on any points. The shelter needs some attention to its roof. The long grass around the perimeter of the park to be cut when the final village mowing of the year is done.
Allotments: The Chairman asked for it to be minuted how well the allotments looked. Last year half of them had to be strimmed. This year they are cultivated, with only one vacant plot and that has been kept tidy.
The Parish Clerk reminded Councillors that there will be elections next May and thoughts should be given by early next year as to who was going to stand.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th November 2020.
Richard Fonge, Chairman.
Fund Raising for Brackley Community Hospital
Sunday, September 27th, 2020Richard Fonge writes:
Caryl Bellingham MBE, Chair of the Brackley Community Hospital Trust, has sent me a message to say that she and her fellow trustees would like to thank most sincerely the villagers of Sulgrave for their generosity in raising £695 towards the Hospital Appeal.
The total sum came from gift aid and the raffle organised by Sulgrave Village Shop for a food hamper, donated by the shop, won by Becky Hunt. Thank you Jane and Sally.
It was a great disappointment to have to cancel the picnic but let us hope we can do it next year and have a village get together.
Richard Fonge, Chairman, Sulgrave Parish Council
September on the Farm (2020)
Thursday, September 17th, 2020Richard Fonge writes:
As I write these notes the harvesting of crops is now complete after a lovely hot spell. Although the harvest from the land is in general a poor one due to the very variable weather conditions of the last year, the hedge and tree fruits are abundant. Plenty of sloes for the gin, blackberries, apples, pears, plums to preserve for the winter and conkers for the children and to keep away spiders
It is three years since I started these notes, and September as I wrote then is seen as the farming years end. Michaelmas day the 25th September is the day when farms change hands, either in ownership or tenancy. The land ownership has changed over the years, as the industry itself has evolved to meet the needs and demands of an ever more discerning public.
The land to the east of Sulgrave to Weston is owned by an Oxford College. The colleges of our two oldest universities are still owners of many estates but not as much as they used to own. Stuchbury Manor Farm where I was brought up was owned by Balliol College, Oxford until it was sold with the rest of the Marston Estate in the late sixties. They had a great way of extracting the rent by giving the tenants dinner in college twice a year, with the Master of Balliol, Bursar and estates committee always present. A very civilised way of paying.
A crop which will not be seen so much nationally and therefore locally will be oil seed rape. The flea beetle the main pest to the crop since the banning of neonecotins has been hard to control, to such an extent that many farmers have not sown oil seed rape this year. Therefore I can see more beans and linseed being grown, to maintain a healthy rotation.
Sheep are very evident in the pastures around the village, and with a gestation period of 145 days it will soon be time to put the Rams in with the ewes for lambs to be born in early spring. The Suffolk ram with its black face was for many years the main crossing ram. Whilst still popular, the Charolais and Texel have superseded it as they can produce a great butcher’s lamb. Those eight young rams that have been grazing Castle Hill all summer are Texels and at some time this Autumn all their Christmas’s will come at once!
Richard Fonge
Brackley Community Hospital. Progress Report. September 2020.
Sunday, September 13th, 2020See here for a Progress Report by Caryl Billingham MBE, Chairman of Trustees.
Despite the cancellation of the Pop Up Picnic to have been held on Castle Green, the raffle to raise funds for the Brackley Community Hospital will still go ahead, with tickets being sold in the shop and the draw to take place on Saturday the 19th.
Pop Up Picnic Cancelled!
Friday, September 11th, 2020Parish Council Announcement:
With the latest announcement from Government, the Parish Council have reluctantly decided to cancel the Pop up Picnic on Castle Green on the 19th of September. Although we can no longer meet up as village, I am glad to say the raffle to raise funds for the Brackley Community Hospital will still go ahead, with tickets being sold in the shop and the draw to take place on Saturday the 19th. Also if you wish to donate, gift aid forms are available in the shop or by contacting [email protected].
So whilst our community has to wait to party, our help to our new Hospital can go ahead. A facility which is going to be a great asset to the wider community of Brackley and district.
Richard Fonge, Chairman, Sulgrave Parish Council
Sulgrave Produce Show 2020
Wednesday, September 9th, 2020Despite the coronavirus, villagers came together as usual in September to display the fruits of their labours during the long weeks of lockdown. To minimise the risk of infection it was decided that the event should take place on the forecourt (aka the car park!) of the Church Hall where family groups could maintain social distances. Over one hundred exhibits were displayed and we were fortunate to be blessed with perfect late summer weather. A very happy atmosphere prevailed as neighbours greeted each other with the air of those thankfully emerging, blinking in the sunshine, as from a long hibernation!
Photographs are presented in two groups, firstly some images of the event and secondly details of all the winning entries. See next page (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)
Notes of Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 3rd September 2020.
Monday, September 7th, 2020August on the Farm (2020)
Friday, August 21st, 2020Richard writes:
August started out fine with the combines at work, but with this wet spell in the middle it now looks as if an early harvest will not be happening. Spring barley and spring beans up the Moreton road are nearly ready, as is the wheat up the concrete road. This is a crop I have been closely following. It was sown into a good seedbed and has despite the very dry April/May ripened into what looks like a high yielding crop. I expect it will go for bread making. As a retired farmer I get great pleasure seeing such a crop develop, similarly with the lambs reared on the Stuchbury footpath, with the weaned ones now eating the stubble turnips. These lambs were born to good ewes and sired from quality Rams. That can be seen by their conformation with the meat being laid down in the right areas.
Two crops seen in the area are what are called green cover crops, sown to land where no normal crop has been planted, (this year due to the wet Autumn/winter). They have been planted to stop soil erosion and provide green manure when incorporated back into the soil. One can be seen on the footpath on Barrow Hill. This is a clover growing densely, with the weed fat hen growing through it. The other was the buck wheat plant with its yellow flower, seen up the Moreton road and on the way to Helmdon. Bees love it as a source of nectar. Happy beekeepers!
With yields of all crops expected to be down this year, food security is now a subject very much back on the agenda. With the events of the last six months very much in mind, it makes it so much more essential that we as a country produce the food we require to feed the population. A true sobering fact is that at present we produce 64% of our needs. In other words we would run out of our yearly supply on August the 20th.
The feel of approaching Autumn can be seen with the ripening of the blackberries and sloes, and the gathering of swallows on the electric lines, ready for their migration next month.
Finally a true tale of four brothers, who farmed along the Welsh Lane, the eldest of whom, called Charlie, had a black patch over an eye that he had lost as a boy. They bought a colour television when they first came out and said to a neighbour that it was like this “Our Charlie were now blind and deaf, so us have bought him a telly to keep him happy”. Characters fondly remembered from a bygone age.
Richard Fonge.