Richard Fonge, Chairman, reports as follows:
Discussion on the Twenty/Plenty signs which were agreed at the September meeting. In general, a favourable response. The Chairman thought it would be better if Councillors were contacted first rather than through social media when questions are asked about decisions made by the Parish Council.
The Chairman thanked Councillor North and Dominic North for the re-painting of the Helmdon Road sign and Councillor Mike Powell for doing the Spinners Cottages sign.
Nothing to report on High Speed Rail (HS2)
Sulgrave Manor. Now closed for the winter.
The Pop Up Picnic was cancelled due to the latest Covid 19 rules. The concept had gone down well with the village, so it was hoped to re-arrange the picnic for next May, pandemic permitting.
It was agreed to place a planter over the rut on the verge by Stockwell Lane.
County Highways had agreed to repair the pavement in Helmdon Road, but what section and length was queried. Parish Clerk to follow up.
The Vehicle Activated speed sign is due to go up in mid-October, on Helmdon Road.
The Pocket Park Annual Safety Report was discussed. Very comprehensive, but no action needed on any points. The shelter needs some attention to its roof. The long grass around the perimeter of the park to be cut when the final village mowing of the year is done.
Allotments: The Chairman asked for it to be minuted how well the allotments looked. Last year half of them had to be strimmed. This year they are cultivated, with only one vacant plot and that has been kept tidy.
The Parish Clerk reminded Councillors that there will be elections next May and thoughts should be given by early next year as to who was going to stand.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th November 2020.
Richard Fonge, Chairman.