Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 23 on Saturday 23rd December. Bentley’s Farm Bungalow, Helmdon Road.

December 27th, 2023

Photograph by Graham Roberts

Kym writes: “What an amazing turnout tonight. It was lovely to see so many of the village join us. Thank you so very much. As it was our window I don’t feel I can say much more. I have to thank my wonderful husband and lovely family for their help. Excitement builds for tomorrow’s final unveiling we hope to see lots of you At the Bus shelter. Thank you again.

Photographs by Jo Powell and Graham Roberts.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Celebrations 2023. Friday 22nd December. Carol Singing around the Village.

December 23rd, 2023

Photograph by Graham Roberts

Kym writes: “Well what a great turnout. A wonderful following of the tractor and sleigh which I have to say looked fabulous. Thank you so much to Graham and of course Shelagh for all your hard work decorating it. Graham I was going to say you were a rubbish tractor driver, but that would obviously have been a really big lie !!! ( love you both) After the tour of the village we ended up at the village hall. When Danny and Ryan put on a wonderful spread ( now there’s a surprise ) Joking aside we thank you for putting in so much effort and counting this as your window. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you to all of you that came out on I must say a very mild evening. but it was worth it for Danny’s food. Tomorrow night is at ?oh it’s ours ! Bentley’s Farm Bungalow, Helmdon Road. Hope to see you all here. Goodnight until tomorrow.

Photographs by Jo Powell and Graham Roberts.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 21 on Thursday 21st December.

December 22nd, 2023

Photograph by Tony Keatley

Kym writes: “What a great gathering. Thank you. Beautiful window, every one was raving about the mulled wine (Watch out Steve )!! and nibbles –  lovely. Thank you so much Rosie, Jonny & Arlo. Hope you found your first window painless. Please come along and join us tomorrow night for carols round the village and food back at the village hall. The tractor/sleigh leaving the VH at about 6 and then returning for food between 7-9 or when the food has run out! Danny will be asking for a small donation in the pot I believe. So please remember to bring some good old fashioned cash. No shopping lists or trolling tokens ! It’s amazing what you get in the pot some nights – ha ha. See you soon.?”

Photographs by Tony Keatley and Jo Powell.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 20 on Wednesday 20th December. 12 Spinners Cottages, Magpie Road.

December 21st, 2023

Photograph by Tony Keatley

Kym writes: “Very different and really lovely. Rachael had gone to a lot of trouble with her wonderful home make mincemeat brownie and choc rockie road cake, think I have that right. Sausage rolls & veggie too. Lovely mulled cider. To top it all we had a wonderful history lesson. Really lovely to talk to you and Erik, very interesting. Thank you both so much. Tomorrow night is at Kiln Cottage, bottom of Manor Rd. hope to see lots of you out – come on we only have 4 to go and then Jane and I can have a break. Thank you to all of you that have came out. Much appreciated. I feel bad when there are a few of you who are always putting into a good cause. Come on folks do what you can. We are nearly there. Plus it is a wonderful village tradition.

Photographs by Tony Keatley except where otherwise stated.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 19 on Tuesday 19th December. Belmont, Little Street.

December 20th, 2023

Photograph by Graham Roberts

Kym writes: “What a great turnout on a cold evening.  Lovely window, loved the musical sheep, very good. Mulled wine, very hot sausage rolls ! Thank you so much Alice, James, Theo and Elodie. All the children were having great fun. Tomorrow night is at Spinners Cottages. Look forward to seeing you there. Bye for now.”

Photographs by: Tony Keatley, Jo Powell and Graham Roberts

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December on the farm (2023)

December 20th, 2023

High Speed Rail Works at Sulgrave

Richard Fonge writes:

The wet autumn is now turning into a wet start to winter. Our forecasters do seem to over hype the weather more than they used too. We have had many seasons or periods of weather like this before, and for those of us who earn a living from the land, where the weather/climate plays a vital part in our businesses  we in general take it in our stride.

The winter wheat on the Stuchbury footpath is looking sicker, due to water logging and on the maize ground on the other side of the hedge, pools of water are now evident, which is a result of compaction. This continued wet will be making it difficult to harvest potatoes and other seasonal vegetables, mainly grown in the eastern counties, thereby making it a possibility of Christmas shortages.

Vegetable waste and surpluses are used for animal feed. Potatoes and carrots are fed to cattle. When farming near Northampton I used to buy twenty five ton loads of them to include in the dairy cow’s diet. The milking cow’s diet as is the beef animal is a precise science. Most dairy farmers employ a nutritionist to formulate a balanced diet with the food available at the time, with grass the main ingredient either grazed or ensiled as silage. The other product widely used are brewers grains. These are a by product of the brewing industry after the malting process. High in energy and readily available in this area from Carlsberg in Northampton. Sugar beet after the sugar has been extracted is another by product sold in pulp form for animal feed, with the green tops left in the field at lifting being fed to sheep. Waste not want not comes to mind.

As this year draws to its close the continued blight on our landscape of the HS2 works get greater and more unsightly. Never did any of us imagine that so much land and hedgerow would be destroyed in the name of progress.

Finally a true story from the past when tractors had to be started with a handle. Len an employee of my Father’s had a bad day trying to start his, swinging the handle many times. Next morning he said that he had dreamt about it and was woken by his wife as he had got a piece of her nightdress and was turning like his tractor starting handle!!  

Happy Christmas and New Year.

Richard Fonge.

Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 18 on Monday 18th December. Lyndhurst, Little Street.

December 19th, 2023



Kym writes: Well, hello, everyone. A huge thank you to Jackson, Holly and Dean. What beautiful house decorations. The window is really lovely too. Even the back of the car looked great. Back of the car I hear you say, well you had to be there to understand ! Great food, I didn’t try the mulled wine but oh the hot chocolate and cream went down really well. Even had marshmallows if you wanted them. Thank you so much. Tomorrow night No 19 is at Belmont, Little Street. Look forward to seeing you there. Don’t forget all pictures and write ups will be on the Sulgrave village website (  But you can still come out and see for yourselves. a few pennies for the pot IF you can would be most welcome.”

Photographs by Tony Keatley (TK) and Graham Roberts (GR)

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Sulgrave Village Advent Celebrations 2023. No 17. Candlelit Carol Service at the Church.

December 18th, 2023

Kym writes: “What a wonderful turn out for the church carol service, which is classed as part of our advent windows. Lovely service. Thank you. Tomorrow’s advent window is at Lyndhurst, Little street, unveiling at 6.30. look forward to seeing you there. To those that haven’t yet found your pennies. Every penny counts.If you can it would be very much appreciated. Don’t be shy if you haven’t managed to get to one yet we still have 7 to go. We do this not just for the charity but for the village.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2023. No 16 on Saturday December 16th. Forge Cottage, School Street.

December 17th, 2023

Kym writes: “Another great turnout tonight. Really lovely window, and great use of the scaffolding! Thank you so much Anna and Ben. VERY good mulled wine ? Lovely sausages, sausage rolls and the veggie goats cheese pastry went down well. Thank you to all of you who came, and thank you to those that have been putting into our charity pots. Makes all our hard work worthwhile. Jane bless her has been running round with the cups and flasks. What a team. Tomorrow is the church carol service at 3 pm. No window in the evening yay a night off ! Monday is at Lyndhurst, off Little street. Just follow the stream of torches ! take care and once again Thank you to all of you.

Photographs by Tony Keatley

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Christmas Trees in the Church.

December 16th, 2023

For the first time, various groups and organisations in the village have decorated small Christmas Trees and placed them in the Church in time for the Carol Service on Sunday 17th December at 15.00.

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