Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2021 – No. 20 – The Old Forge, Church Street

December 20th, 2021

Disaster strikes! Paul tested positive for the coronavirus and it was decided that the unveiling party should be cancelled. This was a shame because he and Brian had created a vibrant, brightly coloured window as an antidote to the utterly miserable, dank December night. A Spanish theme. However, Paul briefly left his sick bed to wave bravely from an upstairs window whilst Brian stood guard to ensure that no revellers disturbed his recovery.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2021 – No 18 – The Thatched House, Manor Road

December 19th, 2021

Village history recalled. The former Thatched House Tea Rooms temporarily recreated to enliven a dreary afternoon.

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2021 – No. 17 – Wisteria Cottage, Helmdon Road

December 18th, 2021

As always, a large crowd was attracted to Wisteria Cottage which is itself always beautifully decorated for Christmas, inside and out (and we are allowed a little peep inside!)

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows – No. 16 – Littlecote, Little Street

December 18th, 2021

A beautifully simple, traditional Christmas theme…..

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows – No. 15 – Northston, School Street

December 15th, 2021

A snowy scene on a particularly mild night, with no need for scarves or gloves. However, the hot mulled wine was as welcome as ever…..

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2021 – No. 14 – Rectory Farm, Little Street

December 14th, 2021

Rumours that these unveiling evenings are really dog shows in disguise are (slightly) exaggerated!

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2021 – No. 13 – 3 Towrise

December 14th, 2021

A window meant to be seen!

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendars 2021 – No. 12 – Asby House, Manor Road

December 12th, 2021

“A Christmas Carol” well illustrated!

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendar Windows 2021 – No. 11 – The Star Inn, Manor Road

December 12th, 2021


Elves at play!

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Sulgrave Village Advent Calendars 2021 – No. 10 – Forge Cottage, School Street

December 11th, 2021

Ho, Ho, Hoe (Gerrit?)

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