Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Saturday, November 18th, 2023

Have you filled in your Questionnaire?

Have you mislaid it?

Not to worry.

There is still time, so do complete your copy and drop it off at the Village Shop.

If you have mislaid your copy you will be pleased to hear we have now

produced an online version which is available at :-

So please do complete the Survey so we can get an accurate picture of the demographic structure of the village, the activities and the views of its present population.

This will enable us to compare them to those of the original 1994 Questionnaire.

All the information gathered is impersonal and will remain strictly confidential. It will be presented in the form of charts and graphs as in the 1994 Survey. A copy of the original “Chronicles”, including the results of the 1994 Survey, can be seen on the bar of the Star Inn and also on the Village Website:-

( at “Village Appraisal and History”.

A reminder to those of you who are writing up the 21st Century history of the various groups, societies or indeed events, they are involved with to get their material to me, now with our extended deadline, by the end of the year. Thank you.

Martin Sirot-Smith. [email protected]

01295 710340

November on the farm (2023)

Saturday, November 18th, 2023

Hedge laying along the Banbury Road

Richard Fonge writes:

A very wet month with the ground extremely sodden for this time of year, but looking back we no longer have the dense fogs of the past due to our much improved cleaner air. We sometimes forget how far we have come in certain ways. This wet autumn (and our area has escaped the worst of the really heavy rain) has had a serious impact on some of the newly sown crops. Seed has rotted before germination and slugs have thrived in ideal conditions. These small type of slugs are voracious in appetite in that they are like a pair of scissors eating away at the small shoots. If a crop has failed now you have to wait to the spring before you can re plant.

Please take note of the high standard of hedge trimming, particularly on the left of the Magpie Road and on the right side of the Helmdon Road as you leave the village and further along towards Peter’s Bridge. These are well maintained hedges with plenty of depth and thickness. I mentioned this last year but the benefit of cutting a poor hedge to the ground and then letting it re grow can be seen along the Banbury Road to Weston.

November in the farming world is the month of dinners and AGMs of different agricultural organisations. There are many farming clubs and societies, some going back a long way, but many formed during the Second World War years to encourage farmers to grow better crops and hold competitions against similar clubs. The secretary was always a local Ministry advisor, who arranged talks and competitions. Today many of these organisations still exist, but the man from the ministry has long gone. In our neck of the woods we have The North Banbury Farming Club and Banbury Agricultural Society and I am still involved with the Kenilworth Agricultural Society. Each year a reciprocal arrangement is made with another club to judge their different classes of livestock and crops, with cups and certificates presented at annual dinners. It is always interesting and informative to visit and judge others and be judged yourselves. Plus, the social side is important.

Agriculture is an industry where ideas and developments are swapped between farmers, and as my old employer used to say “you always learn something “ on such occasions. Very true.

Richard Fonge

Sulgrave honours the fallen on Remembrance Day 2023

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

On a beautiful autumn morning on the 11th November 2023 a large number of villagers and visitors assembled on Castle Green to pay homage to the fallen in two world wars and other conflicts.



The Last Post is sounded….


……and the two minutes silence observed.


Wreaths are laid at the foot of the “unknown soldier”….


….and a Great War Poem recited by the Parish Council Chairman, Richard Fonge



October on the farm (2023)

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

Grafton Team Chase 2010

Richard Fonge writes:

October has started with an exceptional warm spell of weather, which will enable the sowing of the winter corn crops to go into good soil conditions.

On the Stuchbury footpath the clover field has been sprayed out and sown with the rest of the field to winter wheat. It has been sown directly into the soil with the only pre-cultivation being what looks like to me with the slits through the earth a sub soiler. This implement breaks up the soil pan and helps with the drainage.

October is really the start of the farming year. When harvest is completed and yields of corn are known, this is the time to assess what to plant for the coming year. Decisions are made on the profitability of a certain crop, rotation and disease primarily. Rams go to the ewes in the autumn, so here again if making a change of either sire or ewe that decision is made then. 20% of the flock of breeding ewes are replaced each year, as a result of death and age.

The maize has now been cut and ensiled. The field by the Magpie junction to be fed to beef cattle. The Stuchbury fields to go into an anaerobic digester to produce energy.

The hedge jumps have been cut and prepared on the Barrow Hill side of the village in preparation for the Grafton Team Chase. Teams of four horses and riders are timed over a set course, with the first three home counting. Classes range from juniors to seniors. This event is very much part of country life, when people come together to compete and socialise, whilst showing their skills on horseback and entertaining all.

Two features in the village that many would not be aware of their history. The beech trees on Stocks green were planted in 1935 to celebrate the jubilee of King George and Queen Mary. Secondly, a lady called Annie Berry was the village Post Mistress and there is a bench in her memory just inside the churchyard by the footpath gate onto Church Street. I remember her delivering our mail to Stuchbury Manor Farm in the fifties, having cycled up to Stuchbury Hall and Lodge farms and walked across the fields to us. Always by 11 am and after delivering round the village.

Richard Fonge

September on the Farm (2023)

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

Vintage Ploughing Match in Sulgrave 2016

Richard Fonge writes:

The wonderful sunny weather of early September has allowed this years harvest to be completed in our area. With the sun following the rains of August, everything is growing as you will be aware in the regularity of the lawn mowing.

Oil seed rape has been planted in the field by Park lane, and has germinated and established itself. It is vital that oil seed rape has established itself by mid September as it can be attacked by the flea beetle, and of course pigeons later in the winter.

On the Stuchbury footpath can be seen a tremendous plant of wild white clover. How has this come about? When the grass was sown a few years back, it was a perennial ryegrass dominant mixture of grasses with wild white clover. Clover can produce its own nitrogen through its root nodules, so if you manage the grass by putting only a small amount of artificial nitrogen fertiliser on to stimulate growth in the spring and graze tightly with stock, (in this case sheep,) the clover will flourish as can been seen here.

The top half of this field had a crop of wheat this year which also benefited from residual nitrogen left by the previous crop of beans. Another legume. A rotation of cropping is vital for plant health, with each crop complimentary to the other.

 You will see less ploughing of the land in the future as direct drilling and minimal cultivation systems become the norm. These systems reduce carbon footprints and fuel consumption. The plough still has a part to play in the cultivation of the land albeit to a lesser degree. However the skill of ploughing is kept alive by vintage machinery clubs and others. We owe them a great debt in that they restore old tractors and use them in the many competitive ploughing matches they hold during the year. By doing so they keep alive the past and remind us of how far we have come in machinery development over the last seventy years.

This completes six years of monthly notes, describing what is happening in the countryside surrounding our lovely village of Sulgrave. We are just so fortunate to live in what is to me a great community.

Richard Fonge

Sulgrave Produce Show at the Village Church Hall on Sunday 3rd September 2023

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

A winning entry

After a miserably rainy July and August, September began with a veritable heat wave. As usual, tables were placed outside the hall for those taking refreshments but it was so hot that most people were grateful to remain inside the bright, cool interior of the recently refurbished hall. On the following page you will find a few photographs of the event including the winning entries. I have tried to ensure a photograph of each of these and apologise if some are missing.

Click on “Read the rest of this entry”.


Village Shop Newsletter for September 2023

Sunday, September 3rd, 2023


August on the Farm (2023)

Wednesday, August 16th, 2023

Sloes (Fruit of the Blackthorn). Photo: Colin Wootton

Richard Fonge writes:

The month of August is the main harvest month, and this year like many in the past it has been so far a month of poor weather for both farmers and holiday makers. When there are short spells of fine sunny days it is essential to be able to harvest as much as possible, but it also means that the Farmer cannot wait for the grain to dry naturally to the 14% required for storage, hence it has to be dried artificially, increasing the cost of production, not cheap at today’s energy prices, unless solar panels have been installed on the grain store.

August 1st is Lamass day in the Church calendar. On Lamass day in years gone by when a village like Sulgrave was very dependant on a good harvest, a loaf of bread was blessed in the Church as a prelude to the harvest. This ritual is still observed by a friend of mine at her Church in Warwickshire.

Observing the crops around the village, the wheat looks as if it will yield well, as has the barley this year. The spring barley up the concrete road which has suffered from the heavy storms more than most, now needs fair weather to ripen off and yield well.

A comparison. Sixty years ago wheat yielded 1.5 tonnes /acre on average and ten acres a day could be harvested. 15 tonnes a day. Today 3.5 tonnes and eighty acres a day harvested. 275 tonnes a day.

Last month I referred to Banbury Market and how it was a stockyard of England. It seems incredible to think today but stock was driven through the streets of Grimsbury to grazing on the fields up Overthorpe hill. Once a month there would be a consignment of cattle from Ireland, which would come by train from Holyhead straight to the market and then to those fields, before their sale to local farmers. Markets provided not only a place for farmers to do business, but also a place to share experiences and socialise. So important when often living on a lone holding. Today so few are involved in the industry, due to the great advances in technology and specialisation that loneliness is a problem.

People used to whistle when working, a sound not often heard now. Indeed, those of us of a certain age can remember a radio programme on the Light Wave called “Whistle while you work”. The light wave became radio 2 in the late sixties.

Looking forward rather than back, the hedgerow harvest looks promising, with plenty of blackberries ripening, crab apple trees laden to the limit, and plenty of sloes for the gin, particularly along the old railway line.

Richard Fonge



Thursday, August 10th, 2023

Sulgrave Pocket Park


There are still irresponsible dog owners here in Sulgrave who are not clearing their dogs’ mess. This situation is so bad that our grass cutting contractor has complained and is considering withdrawing his services. He tells me that his machinery and clothing get badly splattered so they have to be thoroughly cleaned after working here. It would be a great pity if this were to happen as this contractor has served us very well over several years with his high standard of workmanship.

If the dog bins happen to be full take your dog poo bags home with you:


At the entrance to the Pocket Park there is a “NO DOGS” sign, yet when I cut the grass I find dog mess. Who in this village thinks it is a good idea to let their dogs foul a play area used by our children?

Richard Fonge.

Chairman. Sulgrave Parish Council.

Village Shop Newsletter for August 2023

Friday, August 4th, 2023