Parish Council notice on the entrance gate to the Castle Hill Ancient Monument Site
ON 7TH JUNE 2020
Councillor Richard Fonge was elected as Chairman and Councillor Will Priestman as Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.
The Chairman presented his Annual Report (Click here to read the report)
A formal notice is to be put on notice board to advertise the one vacancy on the Council and asking for applicants
Councillor Will Priestman gave an update on the speed signs on the Helmdon Road. The delivery of the Solar Powered Speed Warning Sign is awaited (for erection by the Council). The moving of the 30mph signs back up the Magpie road, is awaiting approval.
Councillor Neil Higginson reported on the grass mowing. Very satisfactory. One complaint, that they had missed a small area in Towrise. He had spoken with the contractor.
Councillor Laura North reported on behalf of the Allotment Committee. Two more plots had been taken and cultivated, with the last two going to be cleared and left ready, making it easier to take on. To be advertised in this months newsletter
The Chairman reported that the Pocket Park was in good order, with the newly planted trees establishing well. It will remained locked until such time as the Government says otherwise
It was noted, what a tremendous job the Village Shop was doing for the whole community .
Footpath Warden Graham Roberts presented his report. All footpaths were in good order apart from AY3 which crosses the old railway line on the way to Moreton Pinkney.
Colin Wootton presented the report of the Castle Green Committee, including the news that the proposed Midsummer Fair has been cancelled. (Click here to read the report)
Councillor Anna Faure is to contact HS2 (High Speed Rail) about a number of matters.
Councillor Richard Fonge (Chairman)