Closure of Sulgrave Pocket Park

Councillor Neil Higginson fixes the notice informing the public that owing to the Coronavirus Pandemic the Sulgrave Pocket Park will be closed until further notice.

This closure follows government instructions. The Parish Council is further  required to state that during the period of closure no safety checks will be carried out.

Richard Fonge. Chairman, Sulgrave Parish Council


2 Responses to “Closure of Sulgrave Pocket Park”

  1. vera c. smith says:

    Yesterday evening someone went into Castle Mound and left the gate open – this morning 8 sheep were wandering in Church Street, I called Vernon Phipps and they were eventually rounded up – will you please reiterate the importance of keeping the gate secure .

  2. With the gate being carelessly left open, a sign will soon be going up and a kissing gate installed so there will be no need to use main gate

    The fields around the village are stocked with ewes with lambs at foot or expecting. Please keep Dogs on leads and observe the signs put up out of respect for the sheep they are there to protect.

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