A large crowd with lots of youngsters and dogs assembled at the Manor on Bank Holiday Monday to enjoy the May Day Celebrations. The weather was kind, with almost unbroken sunshine.
Lots of photos on the following pages:
Morris men perform a traditional stick dance in the courtyard…..
….to music from the concertina.
Handkerchief dance demonstration.
Lots of goodies for sale in the Hall.
Aromas are appreciated in the National Herb Garden.
A large variety of delicious refreshments were available.
…others have more important things to do!
“What do you think about us pedigrees being entered in the ‘smiliest dog’ competition?”
“We’re far too dignified for such nonsense!”
However, all smiles from the winning dog and proud owner!
Dog most like its owner competition.
A well decorated dog in the “best tricks” competition.
“High fives” or should that be “low fives”!
A well trained spaniel awaits the next command….
A very perky entry in the “golden oldies” competition….
…..won by 14 year old Mango, who’s seen it all before!
Mango is suitably rewarded, together with the runner up.
Tudor games in the Manor gardens….
….keeping an eye on the ring…..
Shy at first, the youngsters are soon dancing enthusiastically around the maypole…..
…with a little “Tudor” assistance.
….and the adults soon join in.
…with traditional May Garland head-dress.
W O N D E R F U L pictures and captions – well done again Colin!