Sulgrave Village Shop 20th Birthday Party!

Despite dire warnings of downpours it felt like the last day of summer! Volunteers old and new turned up with numbers of visitors to celebrate the community shop’s 20 wonderful years at the heart of the village. Despite some initial scepticism, the shop traded successfully from the very beginning owing to the hard work of the volunteers at the counter, the dedication of the management committee behind the scenes and not forgetting a number of paid professional shop managers.

Sadly a number of those who worked so hard to establish the business in the early days are no longer with us or are now unable to continue to serve owing to advancing years or ill health. At the end of the 20th birthday photographs on the next page are a number of links to previous happenings at the shop, where many of these pioneering volunteers can be seen in their heyday.

See more pictures on the next page.

Click on “Read the rest of this entry”.





The 20th Birthday Cake

















Current Chairman of the Sulgrave Village Shop Association, Charles Smyth-Osbourne, describes the life of the shop from its origins to the present day.


Former volunteers pose with their current replacements.


See something of the life of the shop in the last twenty years by clicking on the following links:

Village Shop Birthday Party 2009 (

Andrea Leadsom MP presents Village Shop prizes « Sulgrave Village Website

Sulgrave Village Shop celebrates its 10th birthday « Sulgrave Village Website

Sulgrave Village Shop nominated for the Countryside Alliance Rural Awards 2019 « Sulgrave Village Website

Shop-booklet.pdf (


Countryside Alliance Awards 2019 – Sulgrave Village Shop « Sulgrave Village Website

Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire presents the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service to the Sulgrave Village Shop Volunteers « Sulgrave Village Website



2 Responses to “Sulgrave Village Shop 20th Birthday Party!”

  1. Digby Lewis says:

    Excellent coverage of the shop’s birthday party and super photographs. Well done Colin!

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Digby – much appreciated.

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