A fine September preparations under way.....
......signs are erected and Champagne glasses set out.
The first guests arrive...
.....whilst inside it's business as usual.
The birthday cake is put on display...
...and admired by all...
...except those with other interests!
No village occasion would be complete without John the Postman....
....and Simon passing by with his latest charge.
The press arrive.....
....and volunteers pose for photographs.
The Champagne is opened...
....and distributed.
Future of shop under discussion?
Chairman of the Village Shop Association Neil Johnston thanks all
those who have worked to make the venture such a success.
Guests sign up to become "Friends of Sulgrave Village Shop" whose aims are set out below..
Latest arrivals (at the party and in the village!)
The cake is cut by one of the older volunteers....
...and taken round by one of the younger.
Someone needs a walk...
Party or no party, work must go on...
The Village Shop is a non-profit making venture managed on behalf of the community by the Sulgrave Village Shop Association. It is located in the ancient charity school, former reading room and for many years the village's billiard club.
During the last five years it has established itself as an essential facility in the heart of the village, easily accessible by villagers and visitors alike. It has also become something of a social centre, where villagers who might otherwise never meet can chat for a while whilst shopping.
None of this would be possible without the continuing support of the customers, the volunteers who are responsible for keeping the shop open, the full time manager David Bolton’s commitment, and the dedication of members of the Shop committee, all of whom give a great deal of their time to the running and administration of the shop.
Volunteers manning the counter in the early evening