Kym writes: “What a wonderful turn out for the church carol service, which is classed as part of our advent windows. Lovely service. Thank you. Tomorrow’s advent window is at Lyndhurst, Little street, unveiling at 6.30. look forward to seeing you there. To those that haven’t yet found your pennies. Every penny counts.If you can it would be very much appreciated. Don’t be shy if you haven’t managed to get to one yet we still have 7 to go. We do this not just for the charity but for the village.”
Photographs on the next page:
The beautiful traditional Nativity figurines are lined up on the altar…..
……and then taken to the crib by the children of all ages….
…..and finally put into their proper places to complete the Nativity scene.
…..task completed!
An unusual member of the congregation awaits her big moment….
…..and behaves impeccably when the moment arrives!
Well done!
Thanks to our organist who has travelled many miles to ensure an accompaniment to the traditional carols.