3.00 pm on a wet Sunday afternoon but it’s nearly Christmas, there is a warm welcome within and there are many carols to be sung! The church is packed and some latecomers have to stand.
Photographs on the next page. (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)
Early arrivals…….
“Do come inside out of the rain”.
Much effort has gone into the decorations.
The plaque above the Washington pew.
The organist has come a long way to play for us on our recently restored organ.
The beautiful nativity figurines are placed on the altar….
…..each one is numbered and the youngster allocated that number will collect it and take it to the crib.
The youngest will collect the Baby Jesus.
Shrimp Christy, who led the service, bids a warm welcome to everyone and announces the first carol – as is traditional almost everywhere – “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”
Readings are by representatives of all age groups…..
…….and a guest sings Christmas arias.
The eldest children begin the procession to the crib with the figurines.
The youngest (with a little help from mum) carefully carries the Baby Jesus!
“Can I put him to bed now, mum?”
He is soon in place……
…..and the Nativity Scene is complete.
More readings……
….and Shrimp delivers a final prayer, wishes everyone a “Happy Christmas” and closes the service.
Time for refreshments…..
…….and cups of tea…..
…..much appreciated by our organist after his hard work!
Many a slip twixt cup and lip….
…..but there are willing helpers.
The US flag hangs above the crib, maintaining the American connection with Sulgrave.
Some of the busy helpers…..
…..including one who almost missed the photo call!
See also this year’s Christingle children’s service.
All absolutely wonderful including our amazing stand in singer – fabulous. God really does work in an amazing way!
A grateful thanks to Shrimp for the Carol Service and to those who assisted in what was a lovely service. Sulgrave is a great community to be part of. Also thanks to Colin for capturing the whole occasion with his lens.