Summary of Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 7th January 2021

Parish Council Chairman Richard Fonge and the Castle Hill Christmas Tree

The Meeting took place via Zoom remote technology. The Chairman opened the meeting by wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

He then reported on the Christmas Hampers, which had been well received and appreciated and quoted from some of the letters of thanks. All agreed that the gesture had been a great success. The shop had asked for a list of recipients, so that they could make sure that group shopping needs were looked after.

The Christmas Tree on Castle Hill had also been much appreciated, with a Carol Service attended by some forty people observing social distances. The Websters had also used the area for a Pizza Night. The Chairman thanked all who had been involved in putting up the tree and decorating it and taking it down again. It was hoped to repeat the idea next year with improved lighting. 

Councillor Faure reported on HS2 (High Speed Rail). The main point of interest was traffic flows, information on which is to be put on the Village Website by Colin Wootton. It was noted that all HS2 construction traffic will display identification so that any complaints can be referred back to the right vehicle.

Councillor Faure also reported on the HS2 funded improvements to the Church Hall. Depending upon Covid pandemic developments, it was hoped that work could start in late spring 2021. 

Pocket Park. The Chairman thanked Julien and Sarah Staples for their work on the pond which had been most satisfactory. The Council agreed to buy five more trees to plant this month; these will be located in the wooded area rather than in the Millenium Wood itself. A quote had been received for the re-felting of the shelter roof and a second quote is required. 

It was reported that the Allotment Gardens were in good order with some rental availability.

The poor state of the Manor Road sign at the junction of Little Street had been reported to the County Council. If nothing comes of this it will be fixed by Councillor Powell.

The Precept and Budget for next year was agreed.

The new Eon street light maintenance contract had been signed. Problems with the lamps in Magpie Road and Little Street are to be reported.

In the public participation part of the meeting a suggestion was made as to tree planting along the hedge line in Helmdon Road. The Council will look into this possibility.

The Chairman closed the meeting with a strong reminder to everyone to observe the Covid rules.

Richard Fonge. Chairman. Sulgrave Parish Council.


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