Richard Fonge as commentator at Kenilworth Agricultural Show
Sulgrave Parish Council Chairman Richard Fonge writes as follows:
“As we are all well aware the corona virus has impacted on all our lives. Therefore next months Annual Parish Meeting has been cancelled, along with the local elections on May 7th. When we meet again as a Council may not be till later in the summer.
Rest assured though, your Council members will be making sure that we will be doing our best to carry out our responsibilities. If you wish to contact with a particular concern or thought, our names and telephone numbers can be found on the Parish notice board at the shop.
In these extraordinary and unprecedented times, we as a community have an obligation to make sure all our residents are cared for, and to that end a group of people have put their names forward to make sure nobody is forgotten. Not only to provide a shopping service, if need be, but also as a contact. Self isolating is going to be very lonely for many, so a phone call from a friend or neighbour from time to time is of great comfort.
My experience during the foot and mouth epidemic of 2001 as a member of a National Charity made me realise how important a chat on the phone was to those living on isolated farms or small communities.”
Richard Fonge: Home. 0129 768012. Mobile. 07500672081
Jane Lockwood: Home. 01295 760865
Rose Shillito: Mobile: 07779149319
Shrimp Christy: Home. 01295 760214
Kate Miles: Home. 01295 760957. Mobile. 07970921110
Matt Aucote: Mobile. 07771605833
Anna Faure: Mobile. 07966884445
Richard Fonge.
Website Editor’s note:
It has been my privilege to edit this website for more than fifteen years. I have enjoyed photographing and reporting on countless village events illustrating what a vibrant community we are. The advent calendar windows come immediately to mind! It therefore comes as no surprise that the village is responding to the coronavirus crisis in a positive way. As set out in Richard Fonge’s statement above, particular concern is being taken to care for the elderly and vulnerable to ensure that no one is forgotten. As 80 year olds, Molly and I have decided our duty to the village in particular and society in general is to self-isolate as far as possible. However, I do not intend to let this very sad withdrawal from society interfere with editing this website. I will continue to publish information in respect of the village shop and post office, church, parish council, HS2, the Star Inn, diary of events, local weather forecast and so on as it becomes available. Contributions and comments are always welcome.
Colin Wootton
Thank you Colin. Best wishes to you and Molly. Jane