Kate Miles writes:
Our annual Produce Show will be held on Sunday 1st September, 2-4 pm in the Church Hall with prize giving at 3.30pm. We are hoping that even more villagers will participate this year as this is a very enjoyable village occasion. I know every household could easily enter at least one exhibit from their garden, kitchen or camera. This is a fun event for everyone to enjoy with very few rules and very easy going judges! Tea, coffee and delicious slices of home made cakes will be on sale and there will be a raffle and prize giving at 3.30 pm. There is a very small Exhibitor Entry fee (£1 for people over 20 years old and 25p for those under 20 years old regardless of the number of exhibits you choose to enter) but admission to the show is free.
The Show Schedule and Exhibitors Entry Form will be distributed with the August Newsletter and published on this website.
Hope to see you all there
Kate Miles and Family.
We would very much appreciate donations of garden themed items for the raffle prizes. These can be left with Kate at Garden House, Manor Road or Janet Smith at Northston in School Street. Many thanks.
See here for reports on previous Produce Shows: