Postman John (the Younger) celebrates his 50th birthday at Sulgrave Manor

Our popular “community postman”, John Down, (known to all as “John the Postman) is carrying on the tradition of cheerful and helpful service to the village established and maintained by his father (also known as “John the Postman”) until his untimely death in April 2011. Four years before this sad event, on 30th September 2007, a surprise party was held at Sulgrave Manor to celebrate his 60th birthday and forthcoming retirement.

Click here to see photographs of that event, attended by at least three quarters of the residents.

When it became known that John the Younger was approaching his 50th birthday, the Sulgrave Women’s Activities Group (SWAG) decided to hold a similar party to mark that event. From November 2018 onwards, a great deal of planning and hard work by the ladies and their helpers went into preparing for the big day, Saturday 9th February 2019.

Photographs on the next page (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)


The first guests arrive in the brightly decorated Courtyard Hall


Band members assemble…..


…….Donna of our very own “Donna and the Dellerettes…..


….with Clive on the drums


The bar is open….


…..and John appears with his friends.


“Doing the rounds”




Dancing begins












Meanwhile in the kitchen…….


…..refreshments are prepared and the band takes a well earned break








The surprise appearance of a postman…..


…..complete in every detail, including the hairy legs!


Words of appreciation and happy birthday to John…..


……who responds


The birthday cake is presented…..


……perfect for the occasion, down to the last detail.


John with family and friends…..a truly happy evening!


The band plays on and the young (and not so young) dance (some of) the night away!

Click here to access a video clip of Donna and the Dellerettes (with special guest, daughter Claire!)


I am indebted to Claire Sadler for the following four photos showing just some of the hard work that went into preparing for the party:






One Response to “Postman John (the Younger) celebrates his 50th birthday at Sulgrave Manor”

  1. Angharad Downing says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN! Looks like an absolute hoot, wish we could have been there. Sulgrave knows how to throw a party. ??

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