So that’s where he goes during the day – hiding in a greenhouse!
More photographs of the discovery of this hideout on the next page. (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)
Not just a hand warmer…..
All is revealed!
Dimly seen through the glass…..
…..but the door is open.
It was her idea…….
……oh no it wasn’t!
… let’s leave him in peace in his garden home.
See a little of the Allotment Gardens in daylight:
Sulgrave Gardens Open Day 2011
Sulgrave Gardens Open Day 2017
Until the early 1950s the area coloured green on this map was the site of the village allotment gardens. It is said that at one time there were enough 10 pole (250 square metres) allotments for every house in the village to have at least two. During the 1939 – 45 war they were extremely well used and contributed a large proportion of the vegetables needed for the village. I can remember October Saturday afternoons as a boy when whole families worked at potato picking on their allotments. All entirely harvested by hand, of course and the only sound was the clang of potatoes landing in buckets and the air was filled with the smoke from a score of little fires burning the tops……
Colin Wootton