Villagers with limited access to private transport will be well aware that the Northamptonshire County Council’s “County Connect” bus service (above) has been withdrawn. The Parish Council is actively considering the need for a community bus service to replace it. The Council have been advised that Greatworth Parish Council and Helmdon Parish Council have partnered to provide a free weekly replacement bus service to its residents. This is costing a total of £90 per week to run, but is reportedly well used. The Parish Council is considering whether Sulgrave might run a similar scheme or join the Helmdon/Greatworth scheme. However, questions were raised at a recent Parish Council meeting as to whether the need exists in the village. The Council resolved to seek further information on the need for a replacement bus service in the village.
To this end you are invited to advise the Parish Council as to your views.
Please click here for a questionnaire for you to print off, complete and return to a Parish Councillor, or email it to the Parish Clerk at [email protected]
We are about to start a Community Transport scheme in South Northants. Please contact us [email protected]