The village shop post code is OX17 2RT. See here for the shop location on maps.
A defibrillator cabinet has been installed on the corner of Stockwell Lane and Magpie Road (at the village shop). Click here for a pd file of instructions on how to use it which you can print off and keep handy if you wish. However, all you need to access the cabinet is a charged up mobile phone with which to ring 999 to alert the emergency services and obtain the cabinet access code. This call will be connected even if you do not normally get a signal in the village. Instructions will also be printed in the December newsletter and a date for a hands-on training session will shortly be announced. A second training session will be offered early in the new year for villagers who are unable to attend the first one.
Thanks go to Richard MacDonald from Cardiac Science for donating the defibrillator and to the South Northamptonshire District Council for a grant for the purchase and installation of the defibrillator cabinet.
The defibrillator cabinet.
Close up of instructions on face of defibrillator cabinet.
What is a defibrillator and how does it work?
Note: AED = Automated External Defibrillator.