14 Spinners Cottages, next to the Community Shop, opposite the Stable Nativity Scene (also known as the Bus shelter!), where we began 18 days ago. More photographs in “rest of this entry”.
The window is illuminated.
Someone’s eaten all of the chocolates!
It’s a joy to see little Ida in Sara’s arms because she had a difficult start in life and much is owed to the NARA Charity. I make no apologies for repeating here the information given in the website report on the Carol Service and also in the December Village Newsletter:
The proceeds of the collection during the carol service and funds raised on advent calendar evenings are to go to NARA Breathing Charity, which provides breathing monitoring equipment for children and babies suffering with respiratory problems. Sara Louise has requested that the funds raised through the advent calendar windows should be used to support this charity which has helped Ida so much. She says: “They have been a godsend to us. Earlier this year, when we were sent home from hospital with no apnoea equipment for 4 week old Ida, no medical explanation or support and only basic CPR training, we called NARA on the very night we were discharged. With no hesitation, the lovely lady who runs the charity brought us an apnoea monitor round – this was at 9pm on a Saturday night! As Ida had stopped breathing numerous times in her sleep previously, there was no way I could have slept without one of these monitors! They saved us a fortune and saved our little one’s life…. It alarmed on 4 separate occasions and I was woken from a deep sleep and able to get Ida breathing again. Thankfully we haven’t needed to use it in a long time but the charity has insisted we keep it for a few more months for our own peace of mind. A truly amazing little charity”.
See here for further information on how to make donations to this worthy charity.