Photograph by Jo Horne, who was also responsible for the artwork
Each day of December in Sulgrave sees the unveiling of an individual decoration, usually a house window, celebrating the Advent season. Villagers gather to share mince pies and mulled wine whilst waiting to admire their neighbours’ latest flights of imagination. In as much secrecy as was possible in such a public place, a small and dedicated team transformed the village bus shelter into a manger, complete with very woolly sheep, within which to stage the nativity scene. More photographs on the next page.
This was the bus shelter at dusk with what appeared to be a small woolly animal peeping out from behind the curtain.
A little before 6.30 pm, people began to gather………
…..to share the mince pies…..
…..and sausage rolls, without which no English Christmas party would be complete!
All is about to be revealed!
The entrance to the bus shelter becomes a stable door….
…and all is complete within.
Historical details are not neglected.
The early evening party continues.
The dedicated team whose combined efforts saw the Advent Season off to a brilliant start.

Photograph: Colin Wootton
Bus shelter under construction in 1964 (Left to Right: Sandy Munro, Sidney Wootton, Aubrey Carpenter (in background), Ken Lake and Fred Golby (on scaffolding).

Photograph: Colin Wootton
The bus shelter in 1974. The magnificent elm tree in the background stood in a field which is now part of Peter and Clare Pollak’s garden. It perished from Dutch Elm Disease in that year, as did all of the other wonderful elm trees in the Parish.
I love this idea. Although circumstances forced me to move away from Sulgrave in 1981 I dearly wish that I still lived there and am still very much interested in all the goings-on. I wish everyone a joyful Christmas season and a healthy and prosperous New Year, when it comes. xx
A terrific beginning. Will there be room for the children as well as the sheep?