A great deal is now known about the Castle Hill Ancient Monument in Sulgrave, especially during the period of its transition from a Saxon Hall to a Norman Castle, about 1000 years ago. The Sulgrave Castle Archaeological Group has been working towards the sharing of this information with a wider public. To this end, a set of School Cards has been prepared for use by visiting school children, enabling them by question and answer to appreciate and enjoy the history of the site. The Group is proposing to hold a trial run in the use of the cards by holding an interactive history event on Sunday 27th April. By kind permission of the owners of the site, Peter and Clare Pollak, all those interested in the history of this unique ancient monument, especially parents and children, will be welcome at the hill to take part in this trial
The illustration above is just one of the twenty pages of maps and photos which will be available. It shows three of the remarkable 1000 year old items found on the site. Villagers of a romantic disposition will perhaps imagine a Saxon lady having her hair dressed with the comb and scissors whilst being serenaded on the bone flute….
See here for full information on the Castle Hill Project.
More information on this event will be available on this website and in the Village Newsletter at a later date.