You should by now have received a leaflet through your door giving details of the ‘Community Shops Fortnight’. Between 23rd June & 7th July you will be able to take advantage of daily discounts on many of the popular items that we have in store (even if these run out, we will still honour the discount … David will simply raise a special order and let you know when your goods have been delivered). Likewise we are running a marketing slogan competition for both the adults and our younger customers to create a slogan ‘I love Sulgrave Village Shop because …’. The winners will receive a prize (£20 hamper for the adults & £10 for the juniors to spend on goodies from the Shop) and the winning slogans will be used as part of our increasingly pro-active marketing drive. Angela Leadsom MP has kindly agreed to present the prizes and join in the celebrations for our community shop. So if you’d like to meet her then please join us at 3.30 pm at the shop on 6th July. (NB : The winners of the competition will be informed in advance).
Click here for latest update on the Village Shop.
For more information about Community Shops Fortnight and to find out what is happening across the country, visit