The new display board is unveiled by (left to right) Clare Pollak (project co-ordinator), Joan Bray (Member of the Grants Panel of the Heritage Lottery Fund), Mike Pearson (former Director of Leisure and Heritage, South Northants Council), Martin Sirot-Smith (Chairman, Castle Green Management Committee)
Parish Councillor Clare Pollak, Castle Green Project Co-ordinator, presented to the April Parish Council Meeting the annual report of Martin Sirot-Smith, Chairman of the Castle Green Management Committee. The report gave details of the work carried out during the year, including the erection of the information board, the Autumn Fair, the preparation of a leaflet distributed to all households and the virtual completion of the boundary wall restoration. The project has won an accolade from the Heritage Lottery Fund, who judged the restoration to be a model project of its kind. The Chairman thanked everyone who had contributed to the project and concluded: “The village now has a lovely amenity, superbly situated in a unique historical setting. Lets all enjoy it, use it and ensure that it continues to be looked after so that future generations may do the same.”
See here for a full copy of the report.
See here for a photo gallery of the Autumn Fair.
See here for more details of the Castle Green Restoration Project.