A vintage ploughing match was held at Dial House Farm, Sulgrave on Sunday 12th September, organised by Brackley Sodbusters. There were twelve competitors on a beautiful late summer’s day with good dry conditions for the tractors.
The event was held under the rules of the National Society of Ploughmen and proceeds from the entrance fees, less expenses, were donated to charity. Last year over £500 was raised for charitable causes in this way, the recipient of the donations traditionally being chosen by the hosting farmer.

A perfect venue for the event, in Roger and Ian Cherry's Dial House Farm fields between the village and the Old Windmill

Colin about to set out his line. Each competitor is allowed three red and white surveyor's ranging poles to ensure as straight a furrow as possible

Seeing this smoke and smelling the burnt paraffin (TVO) fuel (and hearing the characteristic drone of the engine), older villagers would be instantly transported to their childhood days, when these were practically the only tractors working the local fields

...they are looking for straightness and uniformity in the furrows, firmness of the soil (no air pockets) and a good seed bed left for the following crop. The "ins and outs" must also be in line (positions where the plough shares are dropped and lifted)
The winner of the “Vintage Trailed Plough” class was Henry Prince, with Colin Russell second. The winner of the “Mounted Plough” class was Dave Hemmings.
See further details of villagers Donald Taylor and Colin Russell at a similar event in March 2008.