Followers of the annual Sulgrave Advent Calendar Window tradition may recall that during last December my wife Molly was newly returned from hospital and I was unable to photograph the nightly decorated window unveiling events, which I had done for practically every one of them from 2014 to 2021. See here for my website post at that time.
Whilst Molly recovered from her lung cancer operation, her health has deteriorated in other ways during the year and once more my role as full time carer will not allow me the time to attend the various parties this year. However, last year, members of the Sulgrave Camera Club covered the events brilliantly and I was able to post photos of the windows and the revellers on the website, albeit sometimes a little after the event. I am given to understand that this will happen again from tomorrow (December 1st) onwards and I will be pleased to upload the results as soon as possible.
Those who wish to look back at the window decorations in previous years can do so as follows:
Go to the right hand side of the website front page ( and scan down until you come to a sub heading “Archives”. Click on the panel and select whichever December you wish to view from 2014 onwards. This will take you to the website entries for that month, 24 of which will be of the window unveiling parties and the windows themselves. You will see the days in reverse order from 24th to 1st December, reflecting the order in which they were uploaded.
See here for the list of this year’s windows.
Colin Wootton (Editor, Sulgrave Village Website)