Village Advent Calendar Windows 2022 – No. 11 – Forge Cottage, School Street

A big thank you to everyone who turned out to see the window unveiling at Forge Cottage on Sunday, despite the biting cold. Fortified by hot mulled wine and very tasty sausages and other nibbles, the Faures showcased a very festive, Stevie Wonder themed Christmas scene. We also topped up our charity fund, which is building up nicely. Suzanne Hanney


Photographs by Graham Roberts








More photographs on the next page (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)






This fascinating black and white picture of Forge Cottage immediately reminded me of how it looked eighty or more years ago when I was a boy in the village during the war. It was then lived in by my Aunt Jessie Taylor and was known to us simply as “Aunt Jessie’s” and for Molly and I it simply continues to be “Aunt Jessie’s”.

Colin Wootton





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