Between 25th October and 1st December 2021, the HS2 (High Speed Rail) Contractors propose to close the section of Banbury Road between the Magpie Junction and Bull’s Lane, Thorpe Mandeville, as shown on the above map. Traffic using this road on the way to Banbury will need to follow the diversion shown on the map, turning right at the Marston-St-Lawrence junction on the B4525. This is already a dangerous junction with poor visibility where accidents have caused a number of fatalities. The thought of traffic queueing back towards the Magpie waiting for a safe moment to make the right turn on a foggy autumn morning does not bear thinking about. Clearly the only way to alleviate this situation would be to install temporary four way traffic lights at the junction for the duration of the road closure.
Alternatively, in a project with a very long construction programme such as HS2, it should be possible to re-schedule the sequence of works to complete the installation of the proposed changes to the Marston-St-Lawrence junction involving two new roundabouts BEFORE closing the Banbury Road.
This matter was discussed at the recent Parish Council meeting when it was agreed that these concerns and suggestions should be brought to the attention of the HS2 Management and Contractors without delay. If you wish to add your views to those of the Council, contact HS2 as follows:
Telephone: 08081 434 434 or email [email protected]
What a wonderful write up of Sulgrave’s only hall to hire at an economic rate.
Some booking enquires are being made but our vision is to have some groups and clubs starting up. I think a gardening club will happen.
Indeed, the earlier views of people are largely the same today and I do understand them, many aspects of the hall are not best suited to group gatherings but it is the only community hall we have, so let’s get on with it! It’s warm, fresh and welcoming.