A Meeting of the Parish Council was held via remote technology on Thursday 4th March 2021. The following summary has been prepared by the Chairman:
“The Chair, Richard Fonge, welcomed to the meeting Mrs Alison Eastwood from Moreton Pinkney. Alison introduced herself and gave a brief resume of why she is standing as a candidate at the May elections to the new Northamptonshire unitary authority.
Councillor Faure reported on HS2 (High Speed Rail), in respect of road alterations on A43 north of Brackley. She also reported on the improvement scheme for the Church Hall, being funded by an HS2 grant. Further grants are being applied for, to improve the kitchen and the floor of the hall. There may be other grants available which could be of benefit to the village. Agreed that Councillor Powell will work with Councillor Faure to explore possibilities.
Parish Footpath Warden Graham Roberts reported on a number of matters affecting rights of way. There are to be improvements to Footpath AY3 where it crosses the former Great Central Railway Line en route for Weston and Moreton Pinkney. These will involve the erection of kissing gates on each side of the old railway and surface work to the footpath. See Point A on the attached footpath map. There are to be new way markers on the Stuchbury path. Graham Roberts and the Chairman had made improvements to this path by putting down chippings and constructing steps. See Point B on the attached footpath map.
Councillor Higginson reported on Stocks green. The Council agreed to the raking out of moss and re-seeding. The grass cutting contractor is to do this work.
The “Pop Up Picnic” on Castle Hill and Green, postponed because of the Pandemic, will now take place on Sunday 11th July, with catering by Websters and bar by the Star. Further details to follow.
The proposed Drovers’ Lane Solar Farm was discussed. There was general agreement on the need for renewables but assurances are to be sought in respect of footpaths. The Clerk is to ask the developer for a copy of the Environment Impact Analysis.
Councillor Priestman is to explore the possibilities for an appropriate solar powered speed restriction sign on the Magpie Road.
The Council agreed to Sarah Brown’s request to use part of the bus shelter for a seed swap.
The annual village litter pick will be held on Saturday 20th March. Details will be posted at the village shop and on the village website.
Andrew Osmond is to be the Village Tree Warden.
The Annual Parish Meeting is to be postponed until May or June.”
Richard Fonge. Chairman, Sulgrave Parish Council.