A Meeting of the Parish Council was held via remote technology on Thursday 4th February 2021. The following summary has been prepared by the Chairman:
The Chairman, Councillor Richard Fonge opened the meeting on zoom, welcoming a full council and two attendees from the village. Points discussed were:
Eon electricity were in the process of repairing a street light on Magpie Road.
No response from Anglian Water as yet to the replacement cover in Church Street.
South Northants Council will replace the Manor Road sign at the junction of Little Street.
It was reported from Sulgrave Manor that the Brew House is being re-roofed with funds raised.
County Highways have agreed to put 30 mph signs back 100 metres on Magpie Road. Councillor Priestman is in discussion with Coval to buy a similar speed warning sign as the one on Helmdon Road.
Eight trees have been planted in the Pocket Park wood. Geoff Ratley’s quote for the re-felting of the shelter was accepted.
In response to a letter from Mr George Metcalfe, the Council agreed to appoint a Tree Warden for the village and to look out for any tree planting possibilities within the Parish.
Councillor Laura North said she would not be standing for re-election in May. The Chairman thanked her for her time as a councillor and reminded all about the forthcoming elections. Information on this will be posted on the noticeboard and advertised on the village website.
Richard Fonge, Chairman.