Twelve panes of glass in the chosen window at Littlecote – hence an opportunity to illustrate “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, a traditional English carol dating from the 18th century, with appropriate music for the party goers.
More photographs on the next page (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”)
Donations made during the Advent Celebrations are shared between Sulgrave Church and the charity “Tommy’s” which funds research into miscarriage, childbirth and premature birth.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me etc., etc., etc.
The partridge in a pear tree and the two turtle doves.
The three French hens and the four calling birds.
The five gold rings and the six geese a-laying.
The seven swans a -swimming and the eight maids a-milking.
The nine ladies dancing and the ten lords a-leaping.
The eleven pipers piping and the twelve drummers drumming.
Littlecote and its adjoining houses are relatively new and there is little in the way of history to record. However, they all share a lovely view across Madam’s Close to Sulgrave Manor beautifully illustrated in a video created by Chris Behan of Littlecote. Click here to view this video.
During most of my lifetime, the view across Madam’s close was dominated by an enormous elm tree which had been struck by lightning in 1911 but survived to provide shelter for spectators and players when cricket was played in the close up to the 1950s. See here for details.
Finally, click here to listen to the “Twelve Days of Christmas”.
Colin Wootton