Village Advent Calendar Celebrations. December 11th. Northston, School Street.

After last evening’s gales and rain, a cold evening with a beautiful full moon – perfect weather for this antarctic scene.

More photographs on the next page. (Click on “Read the rest of this entry”.



Janet and Graham, tonight’s hosts.





















Photograph: Colin Wootton

This is the only photograph I could find of the site occupied by Northston and the other relatively modern houses in School Street. It was taken in 1952 during a probably unauthorised climb to the top of the church tower with other teenage boys. Its poor quality and the many white specks (now called “noise”) almost certainly resulted from the negative film being dropped on the darkroom floor whilst still wet. The field in bottom left hand corner of the picture, where Northston and the other houses stand, belonged to my uncle Thomas Wootton. Chickens were kept in it for many years, being shut up at night in the rather unusual “ark-like” chicken coops. Then, as now, there were many hungry foxes on the prowl at night.

It can be seen that in those days a high wall stretched from Threeways to The School House, completely hidden behind which was an all wooden bungalow.

The hundreds of elms trees which dominated the surrounding landscape can be seen, all of which died in the Dutch Elm epidemic in 1974. Click here to see details of the elms and other trees in the village.

Colin Wootton


One Response to “Village Advent Calendar Celebrations. December 11th. Northston, School Street.”

  1. Jude says:

    Thank you. Great to see the photos each night with the new window. Interesting that you link in some village history which is much appreciated.

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