The new bench on the Moreton Road. Photo: Dom North
Parish Councillor Laura North writes:
In early September we witnessed a senseless act of vandalism on Kenneth’s bench in Moreton Road. With the wonderful support of the fantastic community that we have in this village (past and present) we were able to raise £750.00 through a coffee morning with a Bring and Buy Sale we held on Saturday 28th September which was attended by lots of villagers to replace the bench that has been used by so many of us over the years.
The bench is now in place thanks to Dom North and Tom Hirst where the old one once sat and I hope that it will remain there for everyone to enjoy for many years to come. The Parish Council would like to thank everyone for their very generous donations and kind support in this project.
The remaining funds will go towards trees and upkeep of the Millennium Wood that was purchased by Mr and Mrs Tattersall many years ago and handed over to the Parish Council for the Pocket Park. We look forward to this new task in the New Year.
Laura dispenses tea at the fund raising event……….
……and Mrs Tattersall thanks everyone for their efforts.