Former Parish Councillors discuss a planning application
As can be seen from the above photograph, Sulgrave has a long tradition of electing or co-opting Parish Councillors with a real interest in village affairs.
The present Parish Council writes as follows:
Your Parish Council is very keen to find villagers to become new councillors. As we are your first tier of local government we feel we are best placed to satisfy the wishes of our community. Should your Parish Council fail to exist through lack of support, decision making would pass out of our hands. We as a community would have our influence to affect local issues greatly reduced. Being a Parish Councillor is a satisfying role that benefits your community; no previous experience required.
If you are interested or need more information, please get in touch with the Clerk to the Parish Council Christine Coles – [email protected]
Click here to visit the Parish Council Page on this website, where you can find a list of the current councillors and details of the roles and responsibilities of Parish Councillors and the current “Good Councillors Guide”.
Visit the LATEST PARISH COUNCIL NEWS to find out what issues are currently under consideration.
What a great picture, three proper characters, in tune with village needs!!