After an overnight frost, the weather has turned much colder with a brilliant crescent moon and morning star at dawn. However, a warm welcome awaits in the earthly Star with mulled wine and refreshments before going outside to unveil the window.
Photographs on the next page (click on “read the rest of this entry”)
Mine host at the Star is passionate about cars and mine hostess equally so about horses so the compromise is inevitable!
Ooohs and aaahs aplenty!
Back inside for more mulled wine…….
……..or perhaps a pint of Hooky, more traditional in Sulgrave.
Welcome to Sulgrave.
The window from inside.
And to all a good night.
There were once two inns in Manor Road (formerly known at Great Street), the Three Compasses and the Star. Both can be seen in a wonderful photograph taken by Leicester photographer S.A.W.Newton 120 years ago. Click here to see details from this photograph.
Archive pictures of the Star and former village inns in Sulgrave.