Richard Fonge writes:
Whilst we look upon spring as the time of re-generation and new life, September, the first month of Autumn is the final month in so many ways of the agricultural year, and the natural world. Of the crops we have been following during the year, the beans on Barrow hill were the last crop to be harvested. Due to the vagaries of this years weather it was not conducive for the beans to grow and flower as they should, but that is the lot of any Farmer, who is always at the mercies of the climate, and we are fortunate in this country to farm in such an even climate. The wheat fields up the concrete road, have now been planted Oilseed Rape. This has been done by sowing direct into the stubble (remains of last crop). The plants have now germinated. O.S.R. needs to be established well before winter sets in. Pigeons are a great nuisance after Christmas, grazing the crop and causing damage. Hence the sound of timed gas bangers. Up the gated road can be seen a large heap of black material in a field. This is green compost from the plant along the Welsh Lane. The green waste from our bins is composted there and is returned to the land to increase its organic content. Similar to the sewerage waste I noted last month. Re-cycling with a positive impact on the soil. The maize to be seen off the Stuchbury footpaths will be cut by the months end, some to feed their dairy herd, the majority to go into the anaerobic digester. Finally our ewes I suspect will be returning with the Rams to the field near the village down Helmdon road, and the swallows will be off on their long journey to Africa. No sat navs needed there!! This will bring the year and my notes to a full circle. I have enjoyed the challenge of writing them each month, and will continue to do so if they are being found of interest.
Richard Fonge
Click on “see the rest of this entry” for some pictures of the maize harvest.
Maize plants……
……..and a seed pod.
Plants, pods and seeds simply chopped up and taken away!
Job done!
Tags: on-the-farm
I was one of the lads on the maize job. Was wandering if there was any other photos taken from that day ?:)
Please continue Richard, your blogs are excellent. Thank you for taking the time to do it. With fewer people involved in agriculture these days, it helps us outsiders appreciate what is going on around us. Many thanks.
Richrad, your articles and insights are a delight and really do help to keep us all well grounded in the weather, seasons and what works and hoe nature reacts.
Richard – please do continue writing here – we’ve learnt so much about the local farming world.
Your features have really opened our eyes to what’s going on around us, and enhanced even a simple walk up the gated road.
We look forward each month to reading your articles.
Really enjoy these articles. Please keep them coming.