Some three or four years ago, the footpaths in Little Street were reconstructed. After several months, the contractors returned and spread loose gravel over them to a considerable depth. This was never properly rolled in and it was not long before it spread onto the verges, over the carriageway and eventually and annoyingly into people’s houses via boots and shoes and under the pedals of parked cars.

Repeated requests to the Highway Authority to remove the excess gravel brought nothing more than a visit by a mechanical road sweeper which picked up minimal amounts in between the many parked cars.

At a recent Parish Council Meeting, it was reported that the County Council was more or less bankrupt. Libraries were to close. Bus subsidies would be discontinued. There would be very limited funds for road repairs and these would be restricted to urgent cases. It was clear that further requests for the removal of the gravel would necessarily fall on deaf ears.

During the public forum following the formal Parish Council meeting, the mood of despair gradually changed to one of optimism. “We must fend for ourselves” was the cry. Whilst not quite deciding to appoint our own constable to keep the peace and to educate our own children, it was agreed that an energetic task force of village volunteers ought to be able to remove the worst of the gravel.

So it was that on a recent Sunday morning volunteers with shovels and brooms emerged from almost every house in Little Street and many from elsewhere. A prior request for residents temporarily to park their cars elsewhere in the village was universally observed and by 10.30 the street looked much as it did in the 1940s.

As always with Sulgrave community events, it was a cheerful crowd that swept and scraped and shovelled to such good effect that “job done” was declared well in time for midday refreshments at the local hostelry! It was also a good opportunity for several people newly arrived in the village and indeed in Little Street itself, to meet up with their neighbours.

More photos on the next page. Click on: “Read the rest of this entry”.














Job done and the car free street looks as it did in the 1940s


Time for a well earned break……


….and a walk home down the middle of the road!


A street fit for horses and dogs.


Job done to Parish Council satisfaction!



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