Ex-Serviceman Donald Taylor selling poppies around the village
Donald Taylor writes:
2017 has seen a new record in Sulgrave for the Royal British Legion poppy appeal. I was determined that by cracking the £900+ total of last year we could contribute £1000 to the Wappenham Branch target (our own – not imposed by anyone) of £5000.
Well! Between Church Service, Village Shop, the Star Inn and my door to door collection, we made £1094.41 and the Branch total stands at £5062.08, both figures beating our targets and showing a good increase over last year. The Royal British Legion does so much good work, especially with ex-service people and their families, so you may all feel proud to have contributed so generously. A heartfelt thankyou from the Legion and myself personally. I was amazed and thrilled at the reception given to me repeatedly as I toured the village. “We didn’t get our poppies from the supermarket because we knew you would be round” was a phrase oft repeated. Not only did you back up your words by donating over £720, even causing me to run out of poppies at one stage, but several new members will be joining the Branch and I have volunteers to help with next year’s efforts. Congratulations, SULGRAVE, on an outstanding result!
Donald Taylor